Corrupt Fulton County Georgia DA Fani Willis, called a grand jury to determine whether President Trump should be punished for claiming the Georgia election in 2020 was fraudulent and stolen. On Monday a grand jury was selected to look at President Trump’s already call with Secretary of State Raffensperger that was debunked a year ago.
This political attack on President Trump comes the same week the documentary “2000 Mules” is set for release. The movie will provide definitive proof that President Trump was correct in saying the 2020 election in Georgia was fraudulent. The movie exposes a vast conspiracy of ballot traffickers in the state of Georgia who stole the 2020 election.
The ultimate problem with Fani’s case against Trump is that the call in question was a completely legitimate phone call. President Trump called Raffensperger to encourage him to look into the mounds of corruption in the election. The President went through a list of questions about the election that showed obvious fraudulent acts in the state.
Raffensperger has never responded to the President’s questions and queries. He has never looked at the evidence President Trump discussed on the call proving the 2020 Election in Georgia never should have been certified and given to Joe Biden.
Bryan Geels, a certified auditor, identified nearly 100,000 ballots that should not have been included in the 2020 Election in Georgia. Secretary of State Raffensperger discounted Geels’s results, certified the election results for Job Biden with a 10,000 voter margin even though the standard of proof in an election contest in Georgia is doubt.
In the presentation with Garland Favorito at VoterGA in February, 2022, Bryan Geels discussed his findings. Mr. Geels was hired by the Trump team in Georgia to review the results of the 2020 Election in that state. The Trump team sued the Georgia Secretary of State who certified the fraudulent results.
Geels prepared a report where he identified 100,000 ballots that should not have been included in the 2020 audit. Below is the report prepared by Geels. In his report, (on page 35) Geels supplied a summary of 97,382 ballots that should not have been included in the state’s results. Geels obtained the data used in his audit from the Georgia Secretary of State’s website.
Below is Geels’s final report.
Geels Expert Report by Jim Hoft on Scribd
President Trump used this information in the famous phone call with Raffensperger after the election. Raffensperger and his team discounted the issues, misrepresented what Geels identified, but at the end of the discussion they did promise President Trump that they would get with the President’s team to iron out differences. But they didn’t. Raffensperger’s team lied to the President. They never got with Geels.
Instead, Raffensperger released selectively edited portions of the phone call with the far-left Washington Post which reported that the President was trying to steal the election. This was another lie. The President’s team later found the full video of the phone call and it clearly shows the President was trying to understand why Raffensperger was not addressing the 97,000 ballot discrepancies included in the state’s election results.
At the end of the call with Raffensperger, President Trump noted that the numbers that Raffensperger was refuting were coming from the state’s data. President Trump noted that certified accountants looked at the results. Bryan Geels is the certified accountant who identified the issues and put this report together.
Raffensperger and his team promised to get with the Trump team and go over the results but this never happened. Bryan Geels was never contacted. He’s never heard a thing from Raffensperger’s team.
Raffensperger’s team never addressed the issues and never contacted Geels. Instead, they lied to the press about the President’s phone call.
This is what Fani Willis should be investigating. But she isn’t. She’s playing games instead.
Geels was on with Joe Hoft recently to discuss his findings.