An extensive and independent Home Doctor Book Review from the co-founder of SkilledSurvival
Hey, I’m Jack, and today I’ll be reviewing the Home Doctor Book. Specifically, here are the topics I’ll be covering:
- Who Wrote Home Doctor?
- Who’s “The Home Doctor” For?
- What’s Inside The Home Doctor and What’s Missing
- My Final Thoughts / Recommendations / Pros & Cons
Who Wrote The Home Doctor
Home Doctor Authors Credentials
When discussing medical knowledge, it’s important to listen to qualified professionals only. Why? Because no one should take medical advice from their barber or hairstylist!
So, if we’re to trust what’s in the Home Doctor, then we must investigate those who wrote it.
The Home Doctor was written in a collaborative effort by three authors:
- Dr. Maybell Nieves
- Dr. Rodrigo Alterio
- Claude Davis
Let’s go over the credentials of each of these folks.
1. Dr. Maybell Nieves
Dr. Maybell Nieves is the head surgeon of the Unit of Breast Pathology and general surgeon at Caracas University Hospital in Venezuela.
She studied at the prestigious European Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy, under Professor Umberto Veronesi.
The European Institute of Oncology was inaugurated in May 1994. It’s a non-profit comprehensive cancer center.
The Institute focuses on prevention and diagnosis, education and training, research, and treatment of cancer.
Based on my research, these are all legitimate intuitions. And they’re still working on new medical advancements even today.
It seems to me Dr. Nieves has the proper medical credentials to write this book.
2. Dr. Rodrigo Alterio
Dr. Rodrigo Alterio is currently working in the surgery department at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. Most of his ongoing research is based on Surgical Oncology.
UT Southwestern Medical Center was established in 1939 and has many notable Laureates who went on to win Nobel prizes in their medical fields.
And in 2017, Dr. Alterio lived with (and was the primary care physician of) an indigenous community called “Kamarata.” Dr. Alterio served this primitive community located deep in the Amazon Jungle, many hundreds of miles from civilization.
During my research, I found the “Kamarata community” is very remote indeed. I can only imagine the immense challenges Dr. Rodrigo Alterio had to face serving this community.
This medical experience and expertise are exactly what you want for a book like this. Dr. Alterio has first-hand experience performing medical treatment with limited resources.
I believe Dr. Alterio has all the credentials necessary to help write an at-home medical book like the Home Doctor.
3. Claude Davis
Claude Davis is an author of several popular preparedness and survival books such as:
- The Lost Ways
- The Lost Book of Remedies
- The Foragers’ Guide To Wild Foods
But he’s NOT a doomsday prepper. Instead, (like me) he wants to teach how to live a more resilient life.
His goal is to avoid placing his life (or that of his family) into the hands of others during a widespread emergency.
That’s why he’s spent his life’s work honing his knowledge and experience in wise preparedness strategies. And he continues that mission by sharing his expertise in the Home Doctor.
I believe Claude was paramount in translating the “difficult-to-understand medical jargon” into a handbook regular folks can understand.
Who’s The Book Home Doctor Book For?
Officially, the Home Doctor Book is for EVERY HOUSEHOLD. How do I know that? It says so right on the front cover!
But that’s more marketing than helpful, right?
For example, if you’re already a medical professional (or a certified EMT), this handbook is too simple for YOU.
And on the other hand, if you:
- faint at the sight of blood
- think the human body is disgusting
- or you content to remain part of what I call “The Fragile Masses”
Well…then this book is NOT for YOU either.
It’s for those of us who crave to live a more resilient life.
Folks who want a PHYSICAL book on hand (full of medical know-how) in case the world goes dark…
That’s why this book is a must-own for anyone who worries about the future and takes living a resilient life seriously.
Why live a resilient life? Because humans are terrible at predicting what’s coming next.
For example, we don’t know when the next disaster will wipe out an entire community.
- It could be a natural disaster such as a wildfire, wind storm, blizzards, tornados, etc.
- Or perhaps the future will bring about another world war, a nuclear holocaust, or failing nation-states.
Nobody knows these things and if they claim they do…they’re lying.
BUT with that said, what we DO know for an absolute FACT:
“The future will NOT be smooth sailing. Want proof? Just look at history; it’s full of one atrocity after another.“
So, instead of being fearful, you should focus on WHAT you CAN control. And that means living a more resilient life.
And one small step towards resiliency is investing in PHYSICAL books, especially ones chock-full of medical wisdom and knowledge.
If you’re nodding your head right now, you agree. And that makes an ideal candidate for investing in the Home Doctor.
YOU are exactly who the Home Doctor was written for!
What’s Inside The Home Doctor (& What’s Missing)
OK, let’s take a sneak peek into the content within. And check out some of the advice you’ll find in the Home Doctor Book.
But before we crack it open, let’s talk about its overall length, shape, and dimensions first.
This medical book comes in at 304 pages long. Now, this might not seem like much for a medical knowledge handbook. But that’s quite long considering its rather large footprint.
It comes in at over 8″ wide, nearly 11″ long, and over a 1/2″ thick.
Home Doctor Has Large Colored Images
This extra-long/wide size is a distinguishing feature. Why? Because this allows you to clearly see all the colored images throughout.
Just think HOW important that will be mid-surgery! Obviously following any medical procedure at home won’t be ideal. But at least with the Home Doctor, you’ll be able to see what you should be doing!
Let’s imagine the book was half as large. In this case, sure, it would have double the pages (608), BUT good luck squinting at the pictures!
What’s Inside The Home Doctor
Ok, let’s take a close look at the written content.
The Home Doctor claims to be an “at home worst-case medical handbook.” So it’s designed for use in an “apocalypse”. A disaster so horrible professional medical advice and help are no longer available.
It’s NOT for avoiding a doctor’s visit during normal times!
This fact is essential to understand and the Home Doctor Book makes this clear in their Disclaimer:
“This book was created so that people can read it and learn from it, in case of an extraordinary event like an Apocalypse that changes the World as we know it, learning to the collapse of the states, society, medical system, law, and order AND the dissolution of the social fabric. In this regard, this book’s purpose is to save some of the knowledge that will be lost in this widespread collapse. It is not meant to treat or cure anyone! Do not use this book for this purpose!”
OK, now that’s clear, what are some of the topics within Home Doctor?
There are many medical topics and subtopics throughout this book. So, instead of boring you going through each one, I’ll share a few I found interesting:
- 10 Medical Supplies You Need To Have In Your House
- An Ingenious Way To Stockpile Prescription Medications
- Medicines That Are Safe To Take After Their Expiration Date
- The Only 4 Antibiotics People Who Should Stockpile
- How To Preserve Your Mental Health In Spite Of A Rough Situation
- Gastrointestinal System
- Urogenital System, Raspatory system
- Mental Health
- Skin and Skin Appendages
- Head and Neck Trauma
- Musculoskeletal System
- Cardiovascular System
- Nervous System
So, as you can see, it covers the gambit of medical topics.
What’s Missing From The Home Doctor?
Of course, no 300-page (or 600-page) medical book can cover EVERYTHING. Heck, even after years of medical school and lifelong learning you’d still not know EVERYTHING.
Nor would you want THAT! The level of detail and confusing terminology in such a book would render it meaningless for regular folks (like you and me).
But that’s where I think Home Doctor gets it right.
It provides enough info to help with basic medical care (if professional help is not available). But not so much information to overwhelm or confuse.
My Final Thoughts / Recommendation / Pros & Cons
OK, here’s the deal, I own several medical handbooks. And I own more than 1 for two main reasons:
- First, I like having multiple sources of info because a second opinion is never a bad thing.
- Second, I have an audience that trusts my opinion. I’m the co-founder of and and people depend on my advice. So, I need to review all these books to figure out which are worth owning.
For example, another medical handbook I own is called:
The Prepper’s Medical Handbook – How to provide medical care when you can’t rely on anyone but yourself” by William W. Forgey, M.D
And it’s also a quality medical handbook and one I’ve recommended in the past.
But now that the Home Doctor is available, I think it’s the better option. Why? Because it has better (and larger) images. Plus, it includes some additional preparedness info (such as stockpiling medical supplies and medications)
These strategic differences make it a more comprehensive Medical Handbook for those who want to live a more resilient life.
Now, if you already own “The Prepper’s Medical Handbook“, you can pass on buying the Home Doctor (if money is tight).
But IF you want a “second medical opinion” in a DIY medical situation, then having two books is never a bad thing. And perhaps you’d prefer to upgrade to one with better images.
If this sounds like you, then yes, you should also invest in the Home Doctor Book as well.
And if you don’t own either of these books yet, then the Home Doctor is the one you want. It’s a solid medical handbook for folks like you and me who want to live a resilient life.
In Summary (Pros & Cons)
- Written by legitimate M.D.s and a Preparedness Expert
- Includes very large COLORED images so you can better see what’s going on
- It has comprehensive advice through, without being long-winded or overwhelming
- It’s well organized and includes a large font for easy reading
- It’s a bit more costly than comparable prepper medical handbooks
- You’ll get “upsells” after your initial order (upsells are more products behind the original order)
- Doesn’t fit as well in a small backpack; it’s bulky
- It includes some stark images of the human body (so you may want to keep it away from young, curious children)
Prepare, Adapt, and Overcome,
The post Home Doctor Book Review Is It Really Worth Buying? appeared first on Skilled Survival.