I sure wish I had a FireHawk LED Tactical Flashlight as my everyday carry (EDC) flashlight when I was growing up.
But things were different back then…
I vividly recall hauling around a super heavy MagLite.
Why? Because, at the time, they were the best flashlight available.
There I was, a strapping young lad raised on a small farm in the early ’80s.
I carried that heavy flashlight around (you know, the one with three D-cell batteries in it) so I could see what the heck I was doing at the crack of dawn.
Morning chores ya know.
I also recall many late nights holding that MagLite so my Father could swap out a broken bearing on our combine (or some such critical farm repair).
Trust me, you can’t feel your should after holding a full-size MagLite in the air for 3 hours straight.
Yet it was far better for my arm to go numb than to “get lazy with the flashlight“. My Dad doesn’t accept the words “lazy” or “can’t“.
Boy, do I wish I had a Firehawk tactical flashlight in my pocket back then?
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A New Breed Of EDC Flashlights
So along comes modern technology and the shrinking of components and the increases in efficiency…and all that.
Let’s just say, the LED changed the world of the tactical flashlight, for the better.
Here are 3 things that make this the best EDC flashlight I’ve ever owned.
1. It’s Extremely Well Built
First off, these FireHawks are rock solid. They have a “solid feel” to them. You know the feeling. It’s hard to describe, but when you feel it…you just know.
And it’s the little things that give you a well-built impression.
You’ll notice when you unscrew the tail cap to add your single AA battery (because that’s all it takes) that the threads are both clean and precise.
FireHawk Precision Cut Screw Grooves
Also, there’s a nice little rubber gasket that keeps the battery chamber water-resistant in case it’s raining out.
Removable Tail End Cap
This EDC flashlight has two strategic diamond print patterns machined into the aircraft-grade aluminum body.
These patterns are perfectly located right where you need a good grip most.
It also has deep grooves where your fingers make contact. This helps ensure it’s not the flashlight’s fault if you drop it.
Firehawk Deep Grooves and Diamond Pattern
And if you do drop it…it can handle that, too. Unless, of course, you’re setting out to break it on purpose. Like dropping it off a twenty-story building.
But this tough little EDC flashlight is going to survive a lot of 5-foot tumbles.
The belt clip is also quite strong, securing your FireHawk in your pocket (or on your belt) so it’s there when you need it.
I’m impressed with how much heft these FireHawks have for such a small package.
It’s still ridiculously lighter (and smaller) than a full-size MagLite. But it’s surprisingly heavy and dense for its small size.
FireHawk In Hand
Which is a testament to its high-quality construction and use of dense metal.
2. Brightest EDC Flashlight I Own
The real bright spot (pun intended) with this EDC flashlight is the number of lumens this little guy produces. It’s specified for up to 300 lumens.
Whether you’re camping, looking for your electrical panel in the dark, working on your lawnmower, or bugging out, this powerful EDC flashlight has the ability to light up your world.
Plus, you can control its brightness with the sliding tip. It has both spill lighting and spotlighting settings.
FireHawk Slider All The Way Out
Slide it all the way back for full spill lighting and slide it all the way forward for tight spotlighting.
The sliding tip has just the right amount of resistance. Too much resistance would make it difficult to slide, and too little would allow it to move on its own.
But this well-designed flashlight has found the sweet spot.
I’m blown away by the spill lighting and how bright this flashlight is. When I was walking around the outside of my house at night I could see everything.
Then I tested the spotlight setting and was surprised at how far it traveled. I could see the spotlight hitting a stop sign two full blocks away from my house.
It’s so bright you need to be careful. Do NOT shine this flashlight directly into someone’s eyes. It will temporarily blind them…which is a nice bonus for survival defense purposes.
If you have this particular EDC flashlight in your hands and feel threatened. You could quickly gain an advantage by disorienting them with this flashlight. Buying you the time to react.
I can honestly say it’s the brightest LED tactical flashlight I own.
3. Your EDC Flashlight Needs A Smart Design
It’s the little things that make a good EDC flashlight worth carrying.
I prefer all my EDC gear to fit in an inconspicuous way. I’m not trying to “look cool”, ideally, I want to carry all my EDC gear and no one even notices.
FireHawk In My Pocket
That’s exactly what this small best-pocket flashlight does. When it’s in my pocket it barely sticks out. Hiding the majority of the flashlight from plain view.
Finally, the lens of the FireHawk has a convex shape (curved out) so to protect it and allow you to set the flashlight down tail up (tip down), 3 beveled prongs were added.
Firehawk Lens
A side benefit of these prongs is that they can be used as a weapon themselves if push came to shove.
Hitting someone in a strategic location with these metal prongs could do some serious damage.
Conclusion: The Firehawk Flashlight Is The Best EDC Flashlight I’ve Ever Owned
So the FireHawk LED has become my new EDC flashlight. I love it so much that I added one to my bug out vehicle and bug out bag as well.
I carry a FireHawk Flashlight with me every day.
For A Limited Time Only -Get a FREE FireHawk Tactical Flashlight For Visiting Skilled Survival! Just pay s&h. Click Here To Learn More.
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“Just In Case” Jack
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The post Best EDC Flashlight I Own: Introducing The FireHawk appeared first on Skilled Survival.