This article was originally published by Paul Joseph Watson at Summit News.
Surely just a coincidence.
YouTube has announced it will hide ‘dislikes’ from videos to curb “creator harassment,” with critics pointing out that this is merely a way of removing the huge amount of downvotes on videos posted by the Biden administration.
“YouTube has announced that it’ll be hiding public dislike counts on videos across its site, starting today,” reports The Verge.
“The company says the change is to keep smaller creators from being targeted by dislike attacks or harassment and to promote “respectful interactions between viewers and creators.” The dislike button will still be there, but it’ll be for private feedback, rather than public shaming.”
Quite how viewer feedback in the form of a thumbs down icon represents “harassment” is anyone’s guess, but the immediate response to the announcement from many was that the Google-owned company was merely moving to protect the Biden White House from ridicule.
“Is this the reason?” asked one respondent, highlighting how Biden speeches and White House press briefings receive massive dislike ratios, sometimes at a rate of ten to one.
Is this the reason?
Gee, I wonder why they’re about to hide dislikes.
It’s a total mystery.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) November 10, 2021
“This is for the White House account you KNOW that right?” commented another.
This is for the White House account you KNOW that right?
— Ryan Ashe (@RealRyanAshe) November 10, 2021
“The video department of the Ministry of Truth doing its part for the greater good,” added another.
The video department of the Ministry of Truth doing its part for the greater good.
— Ian (@ianpiepenbrock) November 10, 2021
Another respondent pointed out the massive dislike ratio received by the Fauci propaganda movie.
Wonder why
— ₿hargav (@ThatIndianGuy) November 10, 2021
With the recent popularity of the ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ meme, this seems like another transparent attempt to protect the plunging popularity of Biden, whose approval rating just fell to a record low.
As we previously highlighted, despite being “the most popular president in U.S. history” after his *totally not unusual* vote record, Joe Biden didn’t fare too well on YouTube in the days after his inauguration, where every single video posted to the official White House channel received massive downvote ratios.
Thanks to YouTube, those ratios will never be a problem again.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Their desperation to cling to power and their fear of us is starting to become apparent. They know we are figuring it out, and their antics are becoming laughable at this point.
The post YouTube Hides ‘Dislikes’ Following Mass Downvoting of Biden Administration Videos first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.