Ruling Class: More COVID Is Coming This Fall

The rulers are still trying to panic the public into obeying their ridiculous orders.  They are now “predicting” and “warning” of a rise in COVID cases for the fall.

Dr. Ashish Jha, the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health and the White House Coronavirus Response coordinator, predicted a rise in COVID-19 cases for the coming fall and winter during his recent appearance on ABC’s “This Week.” The ruling class is planning for a “variety of scenarios” regarding the COVID-19 scamdemic in order to get even more money created or swindled from the slaves.

“We’re making sure we have a new generation of vaccines that are being worked on right now, that we have availability of treatments and testing, and we have the resources,” he said calling on Congress to pass more funding.

“By the way, one of the reasons I’ve been talking a lot about the need for Congress to step up and fund this effort is if they don’t, Martha, we will go into the fall and winter without that next generation of vaccines, without treatments and diagnostics. That’s going to make it much, much harder for us to take care of and protect Americans,” Jha told Martha Raddatz.

The “experts” said that administration officials should do a better job of preparing the public for a rejuvenated virus in the fall and winter seasons when people spend most of their time indoors. They added that if people become complacent by waiving booster doses or neglecting to vaccinate their children, they could pay a price later. In short, this means more propaganda will be needed to convince the public to destroy their own way of life over the common cold.

Dr. Jha added that people need to just obey the rulers. He reiterated the command: “When you’re in an indoor space, you should be wearing a mask. I feel that very strongly, that in crowded indoor spaces, in places with high transmission, people should be doing that.”

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“The attitude is, ‘We’ve got this, we’re over it.’” said Dr. Eric Topol, a professor of molecular medicine at Scripps Research in San Diego. “People should be gearing up, they should be getting booster shots. But there is no awareness.”

It looks like monkeypox hasn’t ended the propaganda around COVID. But did we really expect it to? It’s likely more of a distraction from the fact that people are getting AIDS and cancer from their “vaccines.”

U.S. Ruling Class Data: Fully “Vaccinated” Are Developing AIDS



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