Ivanka Trump is helping the push to get as many people injected as possible with the experimental gene therapies they are calling “vaccines.” Trump touted the COVID-19 vaccine in a social media post celebrating her second dose, and once again urged her followers to get vaccinated.
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Her father, former President Donald Trump initiated Operation Warp Speed and has also been trying to push his followers into taking the gene therapy shot.
Trump Does Fauci’s Bidding & Urges Americans To Get Vaccinated: “I Would Recommend It”
Ms. Trump’s posts come a few months after she told “The View” co-host Joy Behar in September that she would get the vaccine once it was available to her. Obviously, this is nothing more or less than a propaganda push for the “vaccines.”
This afternoon, I gratefully received my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Getting fully vaccinated is the best way to end this pandemic and protect ourselves and one another.
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) May 5, 2021
Today, I got the shot!!! I hope that you do too!
Thank you Nurse Torres!!!pic.twitter.com/gPL1Mecv1G
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) April 14, 2021
To date, more than 105 million people have gotten their second doses in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine tracker. Obviously, based on how much we know they lied with their statistics about this scamdemic, to begin with, perhaps those numbers are dramatically off too.
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When it comes to this “vaccine” people seem to be split more than the polling or mainstream media is willing to suggest. There are those who have already gleefully and willingly signed up to be injected with this experimental technology, and there are those who will not take ever regardless of the oppression and tyranny they will be subjected to for refusing.
With the goal of helping you all enhance your critical thinking skills, read the following article and the reasons (if they can even be reasons, it’s more of one guy just giving an answer you’re expected to believe without evidence because he “repeated” it often) that this is not gene therapy, but actually a vaccine. If you want a good starting place, look at how he describes the difference between RNA and DNA, and the research the difference.
Forbes article: Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Not ‘Gene Therapy,’ As Some Are Claiming
Research and ask the questions, because the guy who wrote the above article is hoping you won’t. I am no scientist, but I do attempt to think things through, and based on the “evidence” he gives, I would say this is gene therapy. If you research and come to the conclusion that this is a “vaccine,” that’s fine too. Just use your critical thinking skills to do so, because that’s the one thing that panics the elitists the most.
Wake up, folks. Do everything you can to stay alert and prepared for anything. They will stoop to all-time lows to get people to take this shot. It’s a piece of their agenda and to what extent, we will have to wait to find out.
The post Ivanka Trump Helps Push The Official Narrative: Get The “Vaccine!” first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.