Rockets are launched from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, Monday, May. 10, 2021. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
After an eight-hour pause in airstrikes against Gaza, Isreal resumed the attacks, according to local news sources. This news comes just one day after President Biden said he expected to see a “significant de-escalation” in violence in the region.
Reuters reported that the airstrikes killed one woman and wounded four children. One of the children told the news service they were gathered on the couch in their home when an Israeli strike collapsed part of the building. “We were sitting on the sofa when a missile landed. There was heavy smoke and we couldn’t see anything,” 14-year-old Amira Esleem said.
De-escalation seems unlikely at this point, but it is not impossible. Global conflict seems to be inching nearer each day.
The new airstrikes come amid stepped-up efforts by the Biden administration for a ceasefire amid mounting pressure from Democrats to act in the face of a possible humanitarian disaster. Some progressives are moving forward with a resolution to block an announced sale of arms to Israel in response to the violence. -The Hlil
On Wednesday, Biden demanded that Israel commit to a “significant de-escalation” in the Israel-Gaza conflict during a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
“The two leaders had a detailed discussion on the state of events in Gaza, Israel’s progress in degrading the capabilities of Hamas and other terrorist elements, and ongoing diplomatic efforts by regional governments and the United States,” the White House said Wednesday. “The President conveyed to the Prime Minister that he expected a significant de-escalation today on the path to a ceasefire.”
According to a report by NPR, Gaza continues to fire rockets into Israel as well. However, most of Hamas’ rockets are intercepted by Israeli defenses. But the attacks force Israelis to take shelter, and the rockets that get through have killed 12 people and caused damage.
Tensions continue to mount in the ongoing conflict. Other nations are still threatening to get involved and if some choose to do so, we will likely see this escalate to a level of war that no one would want. Let’s continue to hope cooler heads prevail and the violence will end.
So far, it doesn’t look like Sleepy Creepy Uncle Joe has much sway on the global stage.
The post Israel Launches More Airstrikes After Biden Demanded “De-escalation” first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.