We are supposed to take the shot, even though cases are surging in the Navajo Nation despite high “vaccination” rates. The largest reservation in the United States is experiencing yet another virus surge, and experts and tribal leaders aren’t sure why.
Most of us know why:
They Admit It: The Flu Has Disappeared Now That COVID Is Here
The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!
COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines
Since the tests used to diagnose COVID-19 are not diagnostic tools, we shouldn’t be surprised that they are picking up the common cold and the flu (which was magically eradicated as COVID replaced it), and we also shouldn’t be surprised that the jab is not “working” at preventing cases of a virus that hasn’t been isolated, according to the FDA.
There has been little if any evidence (other than the words of the lying politicians and mainstream media talking heads) that anything out of the ordinary has happened. It looked like it was pretty easy to panic the sheep into believing this hoax. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration is still admitting that SARS-CoV-2 has NOT been isolated. So does it even exist? –SHTFPlan
Page 43 of 80 2nd paragraph 2nd sentence. ” Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCOV were available for CDC…” (they used “characterized Stock”) https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download
All colds have been diagnosed as “COVID.”
The CDC admits that PCR tests can’t differentiate between Coronaviruses….
let that sink in…
that means that for the past year and a half colds and the flu have been diagnosed as Covid.
— Dan Dicks (@DanDicksPFT) July 27, 2021
So why is this happening? Well, low vaccination rates in the surrounding areas, of course. The “vaccine” didn’t protect those who got it, but now they need those who didn’t get it to just obey and comply so that those who did get the “vaccine” thinking it would protect them are protected. None of this makes any logical sense and they expect us to believe it.
Additionally, the mainstream media expects you to believe the surge in “vaccinated” getting the disease they were supposedly protected against means the “vaccine” is still working because the surge isn’t as bad this time.
As for the Navajo, officials said that the latest surge had been less severe than the nation’s first two, which came last winter and in the spring of 2020 because 70 percent of eligible members are vaccinated. -New York Times
This psychological operation ends when the whole world accepts their vaccine juice. They have already told us that.
Ruling Class: The Scamdemic Won’t End Until The WHOLE WORLD Is Vaccinated
The only other option is mass non-compliance, and we could be too far gone with too many already bowing down in servitude to the rulers. Stay alert and know you are a sovereign being and make your own choices using your own critical thinking and logical discernment. That’s the one the ruling class fears the most.
The post COVID-19 Is Surging on Navajo Nation, Despite High Vaccination Rates first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.