EPIC 4 DAY WILDERNESS CAMP e2 STRANDED! Wind Bound on an Island.

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Join us on the 2nd part of our epic 4 day wilderness camping trip…this was quite the adventure.
We battle extreme wind, huge waves, and we experience trees falling down all around us.
We got winded on an island that left us stranded for hours.
We paddle our canoes through many lakes and rivers, as well as carry them with our gear over lots of trails.
This truely was an epic 4 day wilderness camp.
Be sure to check out Doug’s video here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2uH6EJFZtA&t=2075s

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One Handed Split Wood Fire

Like the title says, I use my good hand only to prepare and make a campfire split wood fire style! New Merch here! https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/joe-robinetInstagram https://instagram.com/joerobinetbushcraft/ https://twitter.com/robinet_joe

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