Harry Wait, the man who now faces multiple years in prison for committing voter fraud to expose security risks in Wisconsin’s election system, was met by a mob of professional self-proclaimed Democrat protesters on Friday prior to a third court proceeding.
As we previously reported:
Wait ordered eight ballots in names which he had permission from and one in the name of Robin Vos, Speaker of the Wisconsin General Assembly, and another in the name of Racine Mayor, Corey Mason, through the state’s MyVoteWI.com website. Wait, did in fact, receive some of the requested ballots in the mail at his home.
Wait then provided all the evidence, including the evidence necessary for the state to charge him with voter fraud and offered to turn himself in to the Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling.
Wait has strong group of supporters who regularly attend the hearings and are firmly committed to defending election integrity. However, this time the group of about 50 election integrity activists was met with hostile push back.
The protesters carried signs reading, “Lock Harry Wait Up!” and “Do the Crime do the Time.” After Harry arrived tensions heated up.
One woman, an unnamed spokesperson for the group, got in Harry’s face telling him “you are full shit, tell it to the judge!” (Picture above)
Others screamed and yelled, “lock him up!” and “F#%K YOU, you fascist! You’re a fascist idiot!”
Protesters outside the court house hurled obscenities at Wait and his supporters.
When asked why the group came out, the spokeswoman, who refused to give her name said “we are active Democrats, we’re promoting the democrats, we protest every Tuesday at 20th and 31st in Racine.”
Another protester, James Aceto went on the record, but went off script admitting there is actually voter fraud. “There’s always gonna be criminals that are gonna try to fraudulently vote. There is a certain level that can’t be avoided, “Aceto said, “I’d love to have it 100% fair but it’s something we can’t do.”
When asked if there was a certain amount of fraud that should trigger alarm, however, Aceto wouldn’t say, but while admitting some elections are decided by fewer than one percent, there is no fraud large enough to effect the outcome of those elections.
Scott Milheiser, one of Wait’s supporters, holds a completely different view. “Harry proved that fraud can exist, we hear the phrase wide spread fraud, and in my eyes fraud is fraud, it doesn’t matter how wide spread it is. If one person uses a ballot secured illegally, unlike Harry who turned over the illegally secured ballots, it cancels out my vote,” Millheiser said, “This isn’t about Republican or Democrat. I was a lifelong Democrat, this isn’t about 2020, it’s about what is going to happen on November, 8. The basis of our republic is free and fair elections, it’s the foundation of this country.”
Local CBS affiliate provides a fair report here.
Following the events outside, Harry went before the Judge in a room packed with supporters. The hearing was mostly procedural with Wait appointing his new attorney, Daniel J. Hartman from Petoskey, MI. Wait was briefly represented by former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman. Hartman would not comment on details of the proceedings due to a gag order Judge Robert Repischak put on Wait during the first hearing in September. Hartman is obligated to follow the gag order as well.