Wisconsin Father Claims Pfizer Drugs and Wisconsin Hospital Killed Their Daughter Grace

About Grace Schara

She loved arts and crafts, and was especially creative with coloring. Each picture was a masterpiece, colored with love. She really loved sending and receiving cheerful text messages with LOTS of emojis to family and friends. Grace always saw the best in everyone and celebrated their uniqueness. She was a loyal friend who noticed each individual. They felt loved after being in her presence. Someone said she was the ‘Queen of Description’ and she loved giving family, friends, and relatives their own special nickname honoring them.

Grace’s love for the Lord would be seen in her beautifully colored pictures and thank you cards she’d send others. Her signing off as your BFF and ‘God is Love 1 John 4:8’ melted your heart.

On October 13, 2021, Grace Schara passed away at Ascension’s St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Wisconsin.  Her parents say the doctors and hospital killed Grace by their insistence to follow ineffective COVID treatment protocols.

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UncoverDC reported on this tragic story.

On Oct. 13, 2021, at 7:27 pm, beautiful Grace Schara—an inquisitive young woman with Down-Syndrome—died a tragic and preventable death at a Wisconsin hospital. Rather than using treatments proven to combat COVID-19, Ascension’s St. Elizabeth’s Hospital followed the U.S. government’s ineffective COVID-19 treatment protocols, for which they reap significant financial rewards. On the final day of Grace’s life, as her doctor assured her parents she was doing well, Dr. Gavin Shokar also “unilaterally labeled Grace a DNR and ordered a lethal combination of IV sedatives and narcotics”—a fatal combination of the drugs PrecedexLorazepam, and Morphine—which were administered over an incredibly short period of time. Notably, all three drugs are manufactured by mRNA “vaccine” maker and pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

Who Was Grace Schara?

Grace Schara was full of love. Properly describing the magical impact Grace had on every life she touched—especially her momdad, and sister—would require more space than this article. Her family and all those who knew and loved Grace were clearly blessed to have her in their lives for 19 years. Besides bringing an incredible amount of joy everywhere she went, Grace could read and write, drive a car, ride a horse, play the violin, and drive her riding lawnmower. Truly, Grace loved absolutely everything about the life she was living.

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