The political persecution against Trump’s supporters and allies continues from all angles.
This political persecution must end!
Where are the conservative voices to stand up to this tyranny? Where are the brave men and women?
Rudy Giuliani, arguably one of the most important American heroes of our time is also one of the most politically persecuted men in America. Rudy fought for his law license in a D.C. Bar attorney disciplinary hearing in Washington, D.C. this week.
This was a farce and obvious political persecution of an honest man.
Rudy Giuliani defends himself at his hearing with the D.C. Bar’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel. The Counsel is asking that Giuliani’s D.C. law license be suspended or revoked.
“I believe that I’ve been persecuted for three or four years, including false charges brought against me by the federal government,” said Giuliani on the first day of his hearing this past Monday.
“Yet another attempt by a partisan organization to abuse their power to further penalize and humiliate President Trump’s closest associates,” said John Tabacco of Newsmax. “Mayor Giuliani is a living legend- a national hero- but the left has no boundaries when it comes to destroying anyone they deem a political opponent.”
Rudy Giuliani as Trump’s personal attorney and trusted lifelong friend.
The “ethics case”, argued in front of the D.C. Board on Professional Responsibility of the D.C. Bar via Zoom, was brought forth by Hamilton “Phil” Fox III, the lead prosecuting attorney for D.C. Bar’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel.
Fox has accused Mr. Giuliani of bringing a “frivolous” post-election lawsuit (Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v Boockvar) in Pennsylvania directly after the results of the 2020 election were announced. Giuliani’s lawsuit was quickly dismissed on October 10, 2020, after U.S. Middle District Judge Matthew Brann sided with the defendants and refused to hear evidence –much to the disappointment of millions of Americans that felt disenfranchised after the election.
Disenfranchised voters and children after the election of 2020.
So far, the fake news media has reported inaccurately on Giuliani’s hearing this week, using it as an opportunity to further demonize “election deniers”, persecute Mr. Giuliani and terrify other American attorneys from filing future election fraud lawsuits.
Late-night hosts like the unfunny Stephen Colbert are cracking up over it, joking at the expense of the great mayor who once saved the city they live and work in.
The very unfunny truth is the precedent this hearing is setting.
If this case is decided unfavorably for Mr. Giuliani, those close to the matter say that will pave the road for further steps against other Trump lawyers that challenged election results.
Giuliani and Trump’s team of Election Integrity attorneys- all have faced persecution by the media. Those close to the matter say an unfavorable decision in Giuliani’s case will open doors to penalize other Trump lawyers that challenged election results.
“This is the partisan and politically charged D.C. Bar using their power to ensure that no lawyer ever challenges an election again,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “They have already terrified the public by canceling so-called ‘election deniers’- now no lawyer will be willing to bring a lawsuit on behalf of a candidate or group that wants to challenge the integrity of an election.”
Giuliani, who was humble and cooperative throughout the hearing, has been attacked by the fake media and accused of “losing his cool” during questioning. The former Mayor testified extensively throughout the week, and gave a particularly authentic testimony on Wednesday afternoon.
Rudy Giuliani testifies at his Zoom hearing this week. The D.C. Bar’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel is seeking to revoke his law license.
“I did the best I could,” Giuliani said of his attempt to bring a lawsuit and provide evidence within the incredibly short time frame and blowback he encountered at the time.
“No one else was willing to do it for the American people,” said Ryan. “Giuliani is a hero in the sense that he put everything on the line for the Americans that wanted a fair investigation into the unprecedented ways the votes were coming in. He was willing to die on a hill for us, knowing the political persecution and politically charged repercussions that were certain to follow. His bravery will be acknowledged in the history books.”
During the hearing, the former top prosecutor Giuliani admonished Disciplinary Counsel Phil Fox for asking “sneaky” and unfair questions. “I am shocked and offended this is happening to me,” said Giuliani of the situation.
Hamilton “Phil” Fox (in green speaker’s box) persecutes Rudy Giuliani at his Zoom hearing in front of the D.C. Board on Professional Responsibility.
The evidentiary portion of the hearing concluded on Thursday. Now, the Hearing Committee will go into executive session and decide preliminarily whether it finds a violation of any disciplinary rule. They will announce their findings next Thursday when a three-person panel issues a report with recommendations as to whether Mr. Giuliani should be stripped of his law license.
During the hearing, Hamilton “Phil” Fox III, the lead prosecuting attorney for D.C. Bar’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel, said Giuliani “weaponized his law license by filing a frivolous lawsuit” and should have his license suspended or revoked.
“Mr. Fox made his distaste for Giuliani clear as he continued to disrespect the Mayor with his tone of voice during lines of questioning,” said Tabacco. “Fox’s actions through the years also makes it clear that he favors Democrats. His inability to see past party lines makes him unfit to prosecute Giuliani or any case involving politics.”
Disciplinary Counsel Hamilton “Phil” Fox is a major donor to Democrats, according to “The Federalist”.
According to a Federalist article published last December: “The Democrat-controlled panel is led by Fox. Federal Election Commission records show Fox, a former Watergate prosecutor, is a major donor to Democrats, including former President Obama. All three members of the board also are Democratic donors, FEC data reveals.”
Yet the evasive Fox says “he tries to insulate his investigative decisions from political bias”.
According to Fox, “I try to make sure our office is not used as a political tool. We don’t want to be a political tool for the Democrats or Republicans.”
His actions show otherwise.
According to the Federalist article,
“A former senior FBI lawyer who falsified a surveillance document in the Trump-Russia investigation has been restored as a member in “good standing” by the District of Columbia Bar Association even though he has yet to finish serving out his probation as a convicted felon, according to disciplinary records obtained by RealClearInvestigations.
The move is the latest in a series of exceptions the bar has made for Kevin Clinesmith, who pleaded guilty in August 2020 to doctoring an email used to justify a surveillance warrant targeting former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
Clinesmith was sentenced to 12 months probation last January. But the D.C. Bar did not seek his disbarment, as is customary after lawyers are convicted of serious crimes involving the administration of justice. In this case, it did not even initiate disciplinary proceedings against him until February of this year — five months after he pleaded guilty and four days after RealClearInvestigations first reported he had not been disciplined.
After the negative publicity, the bar temporarily suspended Clinesmith pending a review and hearing. Then in September, the court that oversees the bar and imposes sanctions agreed with its recommendation to let Clinesmith off suspension with time served; the bar, in turn, restored his status to “active member” in “good standing.”
Bar records from the Clinesmith case show Fox suggested the now-discredited Trump-Russia “collusion” investigation was “a legitimate and highly important investigation.”
One longstanding member of the D.C. Bar with direct knowledge of Clinesmith’s case before the bar suspects its predominantly Democratic board went soft on him due to partisan politics. “The District of Columbia is a very liberal bar,” he said. “Basically, they went light on him because he’s also a Democrat who hated Trump.”
So much for equal justice by the D.C. Bar.
Kevin Clinesmith, the attorney forger who admitted to falsifying a surveillance document in the Trump-Russia investigation has been restored as a member in “good standing” by the District of Columbia Bar Association.
According to the Federalist article, the D.C. Bar also did not initiate disciplinary proceedings against an indicted Michael Sussmann- the former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer accused of lying to federal investigators about his client while passing off a report falsely linking Trump to the Kremlin. Criminal grand jury indictments usually prompt disciplinary proceedings and interim suspensions.
**On a side note, please see the frivolous lawsuit filed by Fox and his wife Barbera HERE after Fox was arrested for screaming at police officers and not following instructions. The embarrassing case was thrown out.
“Apparently Fox thinks he is above the law,” said Tabacco. “This is the man who is responsible for disciplining lawyers for “frivolous lawsuits” making his very own frivolous lawsuit! The hypocrisy is nauseating.”
Sources say Disciplinary Counsel Phil Fox seems to have unethical political biases that effects who he decides to prosecute. Fox is pictured here with Rudy Giuliani this past week during Giuliani’s Disciplinary Hearing via Zoom.
Fox said during the hearing that Giuliani was not entitled to ‘use his position as a lawyer to discredit an election.’
“What makes Fox think he can use his position as D.C. Counsel to politically persecute another attorney- which he clearly tried to do throughout the hearing,” said Tabacco. “Furthermore, Fox is using his position to set a precedent for what will happen to any attorney that dares challenge an election. That is the real abuse of power. The House of Representatives need to investigate Fox and his associates at the D.C. Bar.”
During the hearing, Fox also accused Giuliani of throwing away his extensive career as a public servant and his 9/11 legacy by filing the Pennsylvania lawsuit. He said is was “important to send a message to other lawyers that they should not do this.”
Mayor Rudy Giuliani, beloved by his city, on the day after the September 11th attacks.
“Giuliani has more accomplishments in his pinky finger than Fox could ever dream of having,” said Ryan. “Fox served as a federal prosecutor for seven years, including serving in the Watergate Special Prosecution Force…then he took a career dive demotion to the D.C. Bar as Special Counsel. He basically was demoted to persecuting his fellow attorneys, particularly Republicans. It seems like his career did not turn out the way he envisioned, maybe he is now taking that out on other attorneys he views as rivals.”
Before being demonized by the main stream media for aligning with President Trump, Mayor Giuliani was widely accepted by all as an American hero. Affectionately referred to as “America’s Mayor”, Giuliani was made an honorary knight by Queen Elizabeth II for his leadership on and after September 11th, lauded by Oprah Winfrey and was named Time Magazine ‘Person of the Year’ in 2001 to name just a few accolades.
According to Time Magazine,
“He left a city immeasurably better off – safer, more prosperous, more confident – than the one he had inherited eight years earlier, even with the smoldering ruins of the World Trade Center at its heart. Debates about his accomplishments will continue, but the significance of his mayoralty is hard to deny.”
Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s handling of 9/11 and the attacks on the World Trade Center made him an international hero.
Prior to being what many call the greatest Mayor of New York City, Giuliani also served as Associate Attorney General for the United States from 1981-1983, appointed by Ronald Reagan and confirmed by the Senate. As Associate Attorney General, Giuliani supervised the U.S. Attorney Offices’ federal law enforcement agencies, the Department of Corrections, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the United States Marshals Service. In 1983, Giuliani was appointed to be U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Giuliani focused on prosecuting drug dealers, organized crime, and corruption in government and amassed a record of 4,152 convictions and 25 reversals in New York’s Southern District.
The young Rudy Giuliani as a brilliant prosecutor.
As Mayor of New York City from January 1st, 1994- December 31, 2002, Giuliani cleaned up New York City beyond expectation. He reduced crime by almost 60 percent and homicide by close to 70 percent.
“It is disgusting what they are doing to this man, he is a living legend,” said Ryan. “They are defaming his character after his lifetime of incredible achievements and public service to the American people. They are trying to take away his livelihood, which is his law license. They are robbing him of his hard-earned legacy- all to send a message to anyone that dares challenge the election and sides with President Trump.”
Giuliani in 2020, one of the only attorneys in the United States with the backbone to challenge the election results.
“Rudolph W. Giuliani, Esq. had every right to represent his client, President Donald J. Trump, in litigation after the 2020 election,” said Deroy Murdock, Fox News Contributor and Election Integrity Specialist.
He continued:
“Agree or disagree with the claims and arguments that he made in his lawsuit against Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar (D – Pennsylvania), there was nothing frivolous about this action. There were serious questions of law and fact to be adjudicated. A lawsuit in court is exactly the way to settle these disputes in a free society. Rather than falsely attack this litigation as frivolous, Giuliani’s critics should applaud him for doing exactly what an attorney should do in such a controversial case: represent his client’s interests as energetically as possible. There is nothing frivolous about that, and Giuliani’s status in the Washington, D.C. Bar should remain untouched. All that Giuliani did in this matter was execute his duties as an attorney at law and advocate for his client.”
“Giuliani fought hard for President Trump and fulfilled his duty to represent his client, and therefore America,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution.
In the lawsuit, the Trump campaign had alleged their observers were prohibited from standing close enough to watch the count of mail and absentee ballots in several counties. The campaign also argued the new “no-excuse” absentee voting rules in Pennsylvania led to abuse and provided affidavits and eye witness testimony of alleged fraud.
Vote by mail campaign propaganda for the 2020 presidential election in America during the Covid Pandemic.
“Democrats weaponized COVID-19 to bludgeon centuries-old voting procedures,” said Murdock. “ ‘Temporary, emergency measures’ included no-excuse absentee ballots, mass mail-in ballots sent to all registered voters (alive or dead), diluted or discarded witness signature requirements, unsupervised ballot drop boxes, and more. Many of these changes were made by secretaries of state, county commissioners, and judges—but not state legislatures, as the U.S. Constitution mandates.”
Covid changed election rules- unconstitutionally.
We at The Gateway Pundit will keep you informed on next Thursday’s decision by the D.C. Board on Professional Responsibility regarding Giuliani’s short-term fate.
President Trump and Mayor Rudy Giuliani as young idealistic men before their days of political persecution.
“Whatever happens, Rudy will win in the long-term because he is a great American,” concluded Tabacco. “But unfortunately right now he is being used as another example of what can happen to one’s legacy if they side with Trump or challenge an election. The DC Disciplinary Counsel has weaponizing his power and influence to aid and abet the Biden Administration and Democrats in their continued political persecution of Trump Republicans. Hopefully the three judge panel does the right thing and sides with Mr. Giuliani, who was only doing his job on behalf of his client and deserves vindication.”
Rudy Giuliani’s legacy is that of one who never backed down and fought for what he believed in, no matter what.
Remember, in the end God wins!
Cara Castronuova is a co-Founder of C.A.P.P. Citizens Against Political Persecution (an organization that fights for the political prisoners of January 6th). CARA JUST RAN FOR NEW YORK STATE ASSEMBLY AND GREATLY APPRECIATES ANYONE THAT CONTRIBUTED in her run to “Knock Out the Left!”
Cara is an Activist, Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Television Personality. You can watch her on Newsmax at 10PM EST every Saturday night and at 3PM EST on Sundays on “Wiseguys”. You can follow her on & Twitter or Instagram @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for defamation of character. You can contact her via the C.A.P.P. website at or if you have any tips or would like to volunteer.
“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.