Dr. Kelli Ward (left), Shawnna Bolick (middle), Trump-Endorsed Mark Finchem (right)
The Arizona GOP hosted its first-ever primary debate series moderated by AZGOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward and sponsored by Turning Point Action on Thursday night.
The Gateway Pundit reported on the Arizona Secretary of State debate between State Representative Shawnna Bolick and Trump-Endorsed State Representative Mark Finchem.
Tickets to upcoming debates for the Arizona Corporation Commission, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Attorney General are available here.
Last night, Mark Finchem announced that Arizona will join Lousiana in ending the State’s participation in the corrupt ERIC voter roll system when he has the rulemaking authority of the Secretary of State.
The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on the ERIC system that is used nationwide, running a left-wing voter registration drive disguised as voter roll clean-up.
In January, Louisiana announced that they would no longer use the ERIC voter roll “clean-up” system.
Finchem previously called on the Arizona Legislature to likewise ban the use of ERIC in Arizona, but the bill wasn’t even given a hearing, he says.
Every state needs to follow the lead of Louisiana and terminate the ERIC system. Mark Finchem plans to do this exactly.
Ward: What is the first thing you plan to accomplish when you become the Secretary of State?
Finchem: Get us out of ERIC. ERIC is the Electronic Registration Information Center set up by George Soros and his crew that originally in concept was designed to help states identify individuals who were moving from one state to another. Through voter registration, through vehicle registration. When you had deceased voters, they were supposed to be in the system so that they couldn’t somehow be reassigned to another state. Well, that’s not how it turned out. ERIC, once the state joins, keeps your information. They shut down because you have to sign a contract; they shut down your access to our voter information. That is unacceptable. So, the first thing that we’ll do, in fact, I ran a bill earlier this year that would mandate that we remove ourselves from ERIC. Unfortunately, that bill wasn’t heard. So that would have to be something that the Secretary of State will have to do. A trustworthy Secretary of State will do that under rulemaking authority. Under the authority vested in that office to not sign or to sign a contract for service. ERIC has proven highly ineffective. In fact, Louisiana has pulled out of ERIC, and a number of other states are already contemplating that because of what they found out about the way that data was handled and who actually had access to that data. The second thing I’ll do is make sure that we restore the system service. Right now, the Secretary of State’s office serves party, not people. But that’s an outcome of the person who’s occupying that seat, Katie Hobbs. We’ll be glad to see her move on. That’s the first two things that I would do.
Mark Finchem will abolish this system in Arizona when Radical Soros-funded election fraudster Katie Hobbs moves on.