WATCH: Peter Doocy Grills Psaki Over Biden Shopping Without a Mask

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy grilled White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki about the president being spotted shopping without a mask in Nantucket over the weekend.

The shop had a large sign stating that masks were required and Nantucket recently reenacted an indoor mask mandate.

“We saw the president shopping indoors on Saturday behind glass that says ‘Face Covering Required’ but his face was uncovered, why?” Doocy asked.

Naturally, Psaki dodged the question.

“The president is somebody who follows the recommendations and the advice of the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]. I don’t know what the circumstances were of that particular moment,” Psaki responded.

Doocy did not let up and Psaki continued to urge people “to wear masks when they are required in establishments.”

“I think you see the American people and all of you see the president wearing a mask every time he comes out to an event, when he is sitting in meetings, and certainly he will continue to model behavior he hopes the American people will follow,” she continued. “Not for his benefit, but for their own lives and the lives of their friends and neighbors.”


The post WATCH: Peter Doocy Grills Psaki Over Biden Shopping Without a Mask appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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