The Arizona Senate Elections Committee is scheduled to hear a special presentation on “Election Mechanics” by We The People AZ Alliance Chairman and Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) First Vice Chair Shelby Busch.
Sources tell The Gateway a Pundit that this will be a bombshell. Watch live below.
The Gateway Pundit reported on a presentation by Shelby Busch, We The People AZ Alliance, and State Legislators, who reviewed voter registration forms and compared them with signatures on over 100,000 ballot envelopes. They identified a staggering 20% error rate in signature verification.
Some of their findings included:
- 609 voters that cast a ballot in the 2020 election that used voter IDs issued AFTER the 2020 election.
- Nine voters whose voter ID was canceled between 2017 and 2020 and were still able to vote in the 2020 election (not provisional).
- 128 who have two voter IDs assigned to them. Both ballots were cast in the 2020 election, resulting in potentially 128 illegal votes.
- The signature on the registration does not belong to the voter
- Multiple voters that Do Not Match Signature on registrations prior to 2020 AND had new registrations inserted that are different or a match On 02/03/2021
- Ballots marked “Voter Unable to Sign Due to Covid Restrictions.”
Ballots Marked “Voter Unable to Sign Due to Covid Restrictions.”
- Envelopes left blank with no signature
- Ballots Were Signed By Other Household Members and accepted as-is
- Over 1,200 Dead voters
- Ballots Received by the Wrong officer in charge of elections on Election Day
- 56 ballots were received on election day in other counties and states.
- 17,822 Accepted Ballots with mismatched signatures
Accepted 2020 Ballots With Mismatched Signatures
We The People AZ Alliance continued their investigation and found even more of these signature discrepancies on ballot affidavits in a small sample of 230,339 of the 1.9 million ballot envelopes (12.12% of the total).
They also used the record of voters who cast ballots in the 2022 election to discover nearly 10,000 of the same voter names associated with mismatched signatures and bad signatures from the 2020 election.
Their critical investigative work was featured in Kari Lake’s lawsuit against the corrupt 2022 election results.
Lake’s lawsuit demands “An opportunity to inspect Maricopa County ballots from the 2022 general election, including ballot signature envelopes and the corresponding signatures on file with Maricopa County, prior to trial.” However, Judge Peter Thompson dismissed eight of ten counts before the trial on December 21. Thompson then dismissed the lawsuit on Christmas Eve, despite the evidence of massive voter disenfranchisement targeting Republicans and obviously false testimony by County Elections officials.
As The Gateway Pundit recently reported, Kari Lake filed motions in the Arizona Court of Appeals and the Arizona Supreme Court. The Arizona Court of Appeals ordered an expedited conference to be set for February 1.
The meeting agenda is below.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Introduction of Members and Staff
4. Adoption of Committee Rules
5. Presentation• Election Mechanics – Shelby Busch, We the People AZ Alliance
6. Consideration of Bills
We will likely hear updates on We The People AZ Alliance’s signature analysis, and they will hopefully show us some of the signatures.