WATCH: Dinesh D’Souza Speaks At Save America Rally In PA: “In This Movie, We Show That There Are At Least 400,000 FRAUDULENT VOTES – TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION”

Patriots in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, are gearing up for another jam-packed Save America rally following the release of Dinesh D’Souza and True The Vote’s bombshell documentary exposing the “2000 Mules” that were employed to steal the 2020 Presidential Election from President Trump.

The Gateway Pundit reported that President Trump would screen the movie at his rally tonight in Pennsylvania.

President Trump will Show “2000 Mules” at Pennsylvania Rally on Friday Night

Patriots are weathering the “torrential downpour” just to see their favorite President live in action. “This is by far the wettest rally I have ever seen,” said Save America attorney Christina Bobb.

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Tens of thousands are willing to stand in the cold rain for President Trump, the most popular President in American history.

Ohio GOP Senate Primary winner JD Vance was soaking wet while giving his speech earlier.

President Trump brought out his good friend and co-creator of 2000 Mules, Dinesh D’Souza, to warm up the crowd and talk about his new film.

Dinesh presented some key findings from his investigation to thousands of patriots and exclaimed, “if you redo the electoral map, you’ll see that means that Trump WON the 2020 election.”

D’Souza: “In this movie, we show that there are at least 400,000 fraudulent votes and when you look at them state by state, it flips Pennsylvania from Biden to Trump. it flips Georgia from Biden to Trump, it flips Arizona from Biden to Trump. And if you re-do the electoral map, you’ll see that means that Trump WON the 2020 election.”

D’Souza: 2000 Mules. What is a mule? A mule is a paid political operative hired by a left-wing organization to deliver fraudulent and illegal votes to mail-in drop boxes. The number 2000 is a ridiculous undercount of the number of mules. The real number is much greater. And the Democrats deployed them in all of the key states, essentially to rig the election for Biden, to put Joe Biden over the top. This is not a big lie. This is not misinformation. It is now a proven fact. 

The 2020 election was rigged and stolen. 

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