We strongly suspect that Georgia’s corrupt Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, didn’t legitimately win the recent 2022 primary in the state. For one, no one liked him. But now we have proof of his impossible victory for Secretary of State. Governor Kemp’s race was just as bad.
After the 2020 Election, we identified the “Drop and Roll”. Across numerous states, on Election night 2020, large ballot dumps of nearly all Biden-only impossible results were reported at nearly the same time, early on the morning of November 4th. After these dumps or drops, we then saw all subsequent reporting of results at similar ratios of Biden to Trump votes, always favoring Biden. This was enough proof to decertify the 2020 Election results in these states and call for new and safe and secure elections.
The recent GOP primaries show similar patterns in two big races. In the Governor’s race, incumbent GOP governor Kemp, who is very much disliked by the GOP in Georgia (other than the elites) somehow pulled off the win against Trump-backed former Senator David Perdue.
But what happened during the election was impossible. At one point in the night, 200,000 votes were lost.
LadyDraza on Telegram shows these results. Here was the original reporting in Fulton County:
Here was the reporting moments later – a 190,000 vote decrease.
You can see in these graphs the number of ballots for the candidates grew and then were reduced by 200,000 votes in the middle of the night. How again does it make sense that the number of votes anywhere at any time are reduced by 190,000?
Notice: The totals for each candidate went up the same percent and down the same percent as if their numbers were all at a fixed ratio. How is this possible? It isn’t.
As LadyDraza reports, their results show that the unknown candidate for governor’s results were 5% of Governor Kemp’s at all times. How does this make sense?
In the Secretary of State’s race, the results were more suspect. The main reason is that no one likes or trusts Brad Raffensperger.
The GOP’s Secretary of State race was Raffensperger’s all night where he was consistently at just slightly above 50% mark in the total votes turned in. This too is not possible. By winning by more than 50%, there was no runoff race for this office.
Maybe not the drop, but the roll was certainly in place in Georgia in these most recent 2022 primary results.
This must be investigated.