UPDATE: Emmanuel Macron Wins French Presidential Election After Marine Le Pen Concedes Loss

Nationalist Marine Le Pen has conceded her loss on Sunday shortly after projections declared Macron as the winner.

Globalist incumbent President Emmanuel Macron has won reelection as France’s president, defeating French nationalist candidate Marine Le Pen, according to France 2 projection.

Initial projections show Macron defeated Marine Le Pen for the second time with 58.2% of the vote.

Macron is the first French president to win reelection in 20 years since 2002.

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“The ideas that we’re representing are not going to be defended, though with more than 43% of the votes and results tonight does represent an amazing victory,” Le Pen said during a press conference after the projections showed that she lost.

“Millions of our Patriots have voted. So I’d like to express my gratitude to all those who trust in the first round and those who also voted for us in the second round. I’d also like to thank particularly the compatriots in the provinces and in the countryside, but also abroad, who have certainly voted for me during the second round with an enormous amount of strength. And for me, that’s a great honor, and it really touches me very deeply,” she added.

“This France, it’s too often forgotten. We don’t forget it, and we are more determined than ever. And our determination is really reinforced,” Le Pen continued.

UPI reported:

French President Emmanuel Macron has won re-election after his far-right opponent Marine Le Pen conceded her loss Sunday.

Macron, who faced challenges including the war in Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic, will now serve a second five-year term as president — the first to win re-election in 20 years.

“A great wind of freedom could have blown over our country, the fate of the ballot box wanted otherwise,” Le Pen said in her brief concession speech. “I will not abandon the French. Vive la France.”

Le Pen campaigned on a platform focusing on inflation and the rising cost of living.

This election cycle had been plagued by low voter turnout with just 26.4% of the 48.7 million eligible voters having hit the polls by midday, according to the Interior Ministry.

Supporters of the far-left candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who had come in a close third behind Le Pen in the first round, had also promised to cast blank ballots in protest, The Guardian reported.

“Madame Le Pen has been beaten. France has clearly refused to entrust its future to her, and this is very good news for the unity of our people,” Mélenchon said after Le Pen’s concession.

“However, Emmanuel Macron has become the most poorly elected president of the Fifth Republic. His victory is floating in an ocean of abstentions and spoiled ballots.”

Macron hosted his election night victory event near the foot of the Eiffel Tower while Le Pen held her concession event at a Belle Epoque-style venue that was a former hunting lodge.

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