On Thursday, new details emerged indicating that Elon Musk is expected to cut 3,700 Twitter employees, or over half of the company’s workforce, to reign in Twitter’s costs, according to the Verge.
To prevent sabotage, Twitter has temporarily shut down all of its offices and disabled badge access to all physical locations.
Some employees in the UK said that their computers were “remotely cleaned” while they slept and that they lost access to Slack and Gmail, according to Daily Mail.
Chris Younie, who works for Twitter in entertainment partnerships, tweeted: ‘Well this isn’t looking promising. Can’t log into emails. Mac won’t turn on. But so grateful this is happening at 3am. Really appreciate the thoughtfulness on the timing front guys…’
It’s expected that half of Twitter’s staff will be let go in a mass email dismissal. The internal message states that employees would be informed of their layoff status via email by 9 AM PST (12 PM EST) on November 4.
An email was sent to its employees on Thursday informing them to “go home and not return to the offices on Friday.”
Below is the full text of the Twitter memo sent to employees: