Trump Spokesman Demolishes Pence for Declining to Rule Out 2024 Campaign: ‘Desperate to Chase His Lost Relevance’

Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich demolished Mike Pence over his refusal to rule out a run for president in 2024.

Pence is campaigning with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Monday.

“Mike Pence was set to lose a governor’s race in 2016 before he was plucked up and his political career was salvaged,” Budowich told the New York Times in a statement. “Now, desperate to chase his lost relevance, Pence is parachuting into races, hoping someone is paying attention. The reality is, President Trump is already 82-3 with his endorsements, and there’s nothing stopping him from saving America in 2022 and beyond.”

Kemp has drawn ire from Trump and his allies for fighting election fraud investigators. Pence fell out of favor when he certified the election results, des[pite questions about their integrity.

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“Brian Kemp is my friend, a man dedicated to faith, family and the people of Georgia,” Pence said in a statement. “I am proud to offer my full support for four more years of Brian Kemp as governor of the great state of Georgia!”

The Times reports:

“In an interview before a speech last month in Iowa, Mr. Pence pointedly declined to rule out running even if Mr. Trump also enters the 2024 primary. ‘We’ll go where we’re called,’ Mr. Pence said, explaining that he and his wife would act on prayer. ‘That’s the way Karen and I have always approached these things.’”

Pence added, “I have been very moved traveling around the country how much people have made a point to express appreciation, it has been very humbling to me.”

The report continued, “Yet in the same interview, he recalled spending ‘five years in the foxhole’ with Mr. Trump, noting that he was ‘incredibly proud of the record,’ before giving a dinner speech trumpeting the ‘Trump-Pence’ administration multiple times.”

While Trump has not formally announced a run for 2024, he has heavily implied that he intends to.

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