James Corden visits The White House
British comedian and Trump-hater James Corden was banned from a famous restaurant in New York City on Monday for his “rude and abusive behavior” with the staff.
James Corden, who hosts “The Late Late Show” on CBS, was temporarily banned from entering New York’s Balthazar restaurant in Soho, Manhattan after the owner said he was “abusive” to his staff over an order mistake.
“James Corden is a hugely gifted comedian, but a tiny cretin of a man,” Keith McNally, the owner of French restaurant Balthazar, wrote on Instagram. “And the most abusive customer to my Balthazar servers since the restaurant opened 25 years ago.”
“I don’t often 86 a customer, to today I 86’d Corden. It did not make me laugh,” he added.
The restaurant’s owner recounted two incidents of Corden’s nastiness toward his staff.
‘In June, James Corden was here on table 61. (Although this is diabolical, it happens Very occasionally in all restaurants.) After eating his main course, Corden showed the hair to Balthazar manager G. who was very apologetic. Corden was extremely nasty to G, and said:“Get us another round of drinks this second. And also take care of all of our drinks so far. This way I write any nasty reviews in yelp or anything like that.” ‘
‘James Corden was at Balthazar with his wife on October 9th for brunch. He asked for a table outside. Brunch Maitre D’ Allie Wolters took the party to table 301. Mr. Corden’s wife ordered an egg yolk omelette with gruyere cheese and salad. A few minutes after they received the food, James called their server, M. K. and told her there was a little bit of egg white mixed with the egg yolk. M. K. informed the floor manager, G. The kitchen remade the dish but unfortunately sent it with home fries instead of salad. That’s when James Corden began yelling like crazy to the server: “You can’t do your job! You can’t do your job! Maybe I should go into the kitchen and cook the omelette myself!” M.K. was very apologetic and brought G. over to the table. He returned the dish, and after that, everything was fine. He gave them promo Champagne glasses to smooth things out. G. said that Corden was pleasant to him but nasty to the server.’ M.K. was very shaken, but professional that she is, continued to finish her shift.’
According to Keith, James Corden called him and apologized profusely. He also said he lifted Corden’s ban.
“James Corden just called me and apologized profusely. Having fucked up myself more than most people, I strongly believe in second chances. So if James Corden lets me host his Late Late Show for 9 months, I’ll immediately rescind his ban from Balthazar. No, of course not. But….anyone magnanimous enough to apologize to a deadbeat layabout like me (and my staff) doesn’t deserve to be banned from anywhere. Especially Balthazar. So Come Back to the 5 & Dime, Jimmy Corden, Jimmy Corden. All is Forgiven,” Keith wrote.
A lot of people were outraged by this decision to lift the ban. One user commented, “as long as Balthazar continues to serve that dirty human, known as James Corden, never will we patronize your restaurant again. Filth of his kind is not deserving of any chances, and Mr. McNally you should hang your head in shame for not sticking to your principles nor standing by your staff.”