Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Laughs When Confronted About High Gas Prices (VIDEO)

Joe Biden’s incompetent Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Tuesday laughed when confronted about gas prices surging because of Biden’s policies.

The Biden Regime continues to blame Russian President Vladimir Putin for soaring gas prices.

Gas prices spiked well before Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.

chart courtesy of Zero Hedge

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Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto confronted Buttigieg and said he can’t blame high gas prices solely on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Half of that increase [in gas prices] started prior to the first Russian soldiers arriving near Ukraine. You can’t blame it all on Ukraine, right?” Neil Cavuto said.

Buttigieg laughed, “What about the other half?”


This is the same idiot who remained silent on the Fourth of July after 10,000 flights were delayed and more than 1,00 flights were canceled over the holiday weekend.

Buttigieg issued a weak response on Saturday and hasn’t said a word about Airmageddon since.

Pete Buttigieg attacked the private airline industry.

Instead of actually solving the ongoing problem plaguing the US airline industry, Pete Buttigieg told disgruntled travelers they are entitled to a prompt refund if their flight gets canceled.

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