Yasmina Antonella Guevara (Source: Yamil Guevara/Facebook)
Yamil Guevara from Mendoza, Argentina expressed her outrage against the COVID-19 shot after the unexpected death of her daughter.
Yasmina Antonella Guevara, her 8-year-old daughter, died on January 11, 2023, due to vasculitis, an inflammation of the blood vessels, which she developed after receiving the COVID shot.
“I hope that everyone can take a minute of their time. She is my daughter, Yasmina Antonella Guevara, she passed away on 01/11/2023,” Mrs. Guevara wrote on her Facebook account.
“My daughter was a healthy girl, she was never sick with anything. Apart from the famous COVID vaccine, my daughter started with problems with body aches and things that she had never had. She was the first patient in Argentina with what was supposedly called vasculitis, and the doctors did not know how to treat her to the point that she passed away, leaving great pain in our family,” she continued.
Because of the risks associated with the experimental vaccines, Mrs. Guevara urged other mothers not to vaccinate their children
“Do not vaccinate your children with the supposed COVID vaccine, because they are killing us all with this now. It was my daughter, tomorrow it could be your child. I want to fight against the COVID vaccine,” she added.
Yasmina Antonella Guevara (Source: Yamil Guevara/Facebook)
In another post, Guevara vowed to spread awareness of the danger of the COVID shot.
“For you, daughter, you are already resting in peace, I am going to let each of my friends and contacts know that we have to say no to the COVID vaccine because they are poisoning us, and we are not going to allow them to continue killing people. For you, daughter, we are going to save more lives. God had a [purpose] for you and I know what it was. To be the first patient in Argentina with this disease called vasculitis [caused] by COVID vaccine,” Mrs. Guevara wrote.
Mrs. Guevara said that doctors and lawyers are now contacting her regarding the death of her daughter.
“Facebook blocked me because I shared a video where they tell the whole truth about the COVID vaccine. But beware friends, I am not alone in this because there are already doctors and lawyers who are contacting me. To make sure that my daughter’s death was not in vain. I am going to speak about what happened to my daughter. Everything she suffered with this disease is sh*t and I already have a lot of information for everyone who wants to communicate with me. I’ll leave you my number because here they won’t let me show everything we already know 2634244524,” she said.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported back in 2021, the Ministry of Public Health of Tucumán, Argentina released a report that a three-year-old girl died last December 16 and the justice system has intervened and will investigate the cause of her death.
“On Thursday, December 16, 2021, at 12:00 hours, a 3-year-old patient, in cardiorespiratory arrest, enters the Emergency Service of the Hospital of the Child Jesus. Advanced resuscitation maneuvers are carried out and, when [she] does not respond, [her] death is declared,” the Tucumán Ministry of Health said in a statement.
The 3-year-old child, Ámbar Suárez, reportedly received one dose of the Sinopharm, China’s COVID-19 vaccine. The police and justice system will investigate the cause of her death and an autopsy will be performed.
“Considering the history of Covid vaccination, contact is initiated with relatives to gather the relevant information, evaluate other backgrounds, and proceed with the investigation of this unfortunate episode,” the official statement concluded.
Meanwhile, Miriam Suárez, the mother of the child claimed that the vaccine killed her daughter.