The Sham Jan 6 Committee Grilled Ivanka Trump for Eight Hours Tuesday Looking for Any Angle to Prevent President Trump from Running in 2024

The Jan 6 sham interrogated President Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump for eight hours yesterday in their sham dishonest and corrupt committee.  

Ivanka Trump sat for eight hours before the sham Jan 6 committee led by Trump haters like Liz Cheney.

Newsmax reported:

Former President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka testified for about eight hours on Tuesday to the U.S. House of Representatives committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, siege on the U.S. Capitol.

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“She’s answering questions. I mean, you know, not in a broad, chatty term, but she’s answering questions,” Rep. Bennie Thompson, the panel’s Democratic chairman, told reporters at the Capitol.

Her testimony began Tuesday morning and ended around 6 p.m., about eight hours later, a source familiar with the testimony told Reuters.

Breitbart reported on how far-left scoundrel Jamie Raskin said she was cooperative.

Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In” that Ivanka Trump, the daughter and senior White House adviser of former President Donald Trump, was “cooperative” during her eight-hour testimony before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol.

Raskin said, “Chair Bennie Thompson said afterward that she was a cooperative witness, and in that sense, she exemplifies the vast majority of the people who we have contacted, who’ve come before the committee, who have told exactly in a lot of cases, mostly what they know in other cases. Essentially people are cooperating.”

The Jan 6 committee is a sham and a lie.  The committee was created outside its own mandate.  Corrupt Speaker Pelosi created the committee but when Republicans like Jim Jordan were selected to be on the committee by Republicans, Pelosi changed the makeup and only allowed two ‘Republicans’ on the committee – Trump haters and anger management candidates Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.

The committee has ignored the Feds and other infiltrators present on Jan 6 at the Capitol.  Antifa was there as well along with individuals like Ray Epps.  The American public still doesn’t know who paid Ray Epps.  We don’t know what interactions he and others like him had with Democrats and the Deep State before Jan 6.

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There is no committee looking into the billions in damages from BLM and Antifa in the summer of 2020.  The Jan 6 committee is ignoring Antifa and BLM’s presence at the Capitol on Jan 6 as well.

JAN 6 REMEMBERED: Confirmed: Jan. 6 Protest Resulted in Estimated $1.5 Million in Damages — Or 1/1000th of Damages by Black Lives Matter-Antifa Protests in 2020

The real insurrection of 2020 was the stolen election.  A million people showed up in Washington DC to protest the stolen 2020 Election.  Every day more and more evidence is unearthed of the corruption related to the stolen election.  But the corrupt Democrats who stole the election will never dig into that.  They need to use their corrupt and illegal practices in future elections as well.

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