Taxpayer Funded Child Abuse: NYC Schools Are Spending Over $200K On Drag Queen Shows For Children

Drag Story Hour NYC has raked in nearly a quarter-million dollars from the city’s taxpayers to impose gender-bending ideology and body dysmorphia on small children.

The nonprofit deploys cross-dressing men to perform for children as young as 3-years old at public schools, libraries and street festivals without parental consent.

In May, the group, previously known as Drag Queen Story Hour NYC, earned $46,000 from city contracts for appearances at venues where children are the prime audience and received a total of $207,000 in taxpayer cash since 2018, New York Post reports.

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A large portion of the funding for Drag Queen child abuse was allocated by city council members’ who jammed pork for pet projects in their budgets during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the publication notes.

“The tally includes $50,000 from New York State through its Council on the Arts, along with $157,000 from the city’s Departments of Education, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Community Development, and even the Department of Transportation,” the Post states. “Most of the money was allocated by city council members from their discretionary budgets, who set aside $80,000 for the group in the current fiscal year — more than tripling the $25,000 earmarked in 2020.”

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On its website, Drag Story Hour boasts about performing for students at dozens of schools across the city and is asking for donations to continue to access your children by “bringing free and low-cost Drag Story Hour programs to NYC public schools.”

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“So far in 2022, we’ve produced 49 Drag Story Hour programs for 34 individual public schools and special needs schools in English, Spanish, and Cantonese,” the website states. “In May, we launched Reading with Royalty, our new middle grade and YA book discussion program for middle and high school students, with discussion questions on five of our favorite queer middle grade and YA books. This year, we have also provided four paid trainings for our drag storytellers, on topics ranging from working with older adults to redefining beauty in drag.

“But we need your support to continue providing quality free and low-cost programs for public schools. It costs us $600 to produce each DSH program, but we only charge public schools $300 per program, and we offer a limited number of free programs for schools that can’t afford the fee.”


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