“Sex Scouts”: Minors were pressured to expose their private parts before the Troop
The parent of a teenage girl blew the whistle on a horrific case of abuse in a scout group where adult instructors had underage children conduct sex games.
The children were instructed to get nude in front of each other, to paint their genitals and leave imprints, and adult instructors would commend them about the size of their private parts.
We are talking about 16 year old children, some not even that old. They were asked to name how many types of condoms they can identify. Then, they were asked about the number of their sexual partners. It was taken that a “correct answer” will be more than two sexual partners at 16 years of age. A bizzare “game” had them soak female hygiene products in red paint and then drain them. The children were then asked to put paint on a part of their body and leave an impression on paper – an imprint of a hand was ranked 10 points, the buttocks were valued 40 points, the breasts at 60 and the genitals – 80 points, the enraged father of one of the children told Sloboden Pecat in an interview. The father remained anonymous to protect his daughter.
After the shocking interview, two other parents joined in and revealed what their children were exposed to, while seven children in total left the group. They claim that the children were practically forced to participate in such activities, since the camp was set up far away from Skopje.
The children were accosted by older men and urged to undress during the events. ‘You’re too shy’, one of them told the children who wouldn’t get undressed during one of the activities that took place in a remote part of the country, meaning that the children were scared of being kicked out and left alone if they wouldn’t participate.
The scouting group – the First Skopje Scout Group – is a major recipient of funds from both the city of Skopje and the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (FOSM), which is the main George Soros funded organization in Macedonia. FOSM already funds a number of organizations that promote a far leftist ideological curriculum of sexual education among children but the organization insisted that it didn’t know the scouting organization would use its funds for this type of activities.
Then, when the story broke, a Soros Foundation funded “fact-checker” slapped “fake news” labels on reports that revealed the child abuse.
Read the whole shocking story on Republika Macedonia (in English)
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