She Sounds Drunk – Pelosi Says She’s Not Praying For A Democrat Victory, Just That “God’s Will Will Be Done” (VIDEO)

Speaker Pelosi joined CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday to discuss the 2022 midterm elections with host Dana Bash.

She sounded like she hit the vodka bar a little too early this morning.

The Democrats stole the senate with ballot harvesting in Pennsylvania and post-Election Day ballot counting in Arizona and Nevada.

The race for control of the US House is not over.

TRENDING: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Poll Pads Caught Adding *Hundreds* of Voters in Real Time as Poll is Being Closed

It’s not over till the Democrats say it’s over.

By Sunday morning CNN showed the Democrats gained another seat on Saturday while the GOP stayed at 211.

Pelosi seemed optimistic about the Democrats taking (stealing) the House as well.

She sounded drunk.

“You don’t pray for a victory, but you pray that God’s will will be done and on that Sunday, that’s what we pray on this Sunday,” Pelosi said slurring her words.


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