Former Governor Eric Greitens sent this message to The Gateway Pundit.
Gardner lied under oath to remove the popular Republican Governor from office.
Finally justice. Kim Gardner broke the law and broke countless families under her lawless reign. May she be held fully accountable for her crimes against me, and the people of St. Louis.
-Former Governor Eric Greitens
Former US Senate Candidate Mark McCloskey toasted to Gardner’s announcement. Gardner charged Mark McCloskey and NOT the villains who broke through a fence into his gated community during a Black Lives Matter demonstration.
— Mark McCloskey (@mccloskeyusa) May 4, 2023
Kim Gardner finally resigned on Thursday ending her reign of terror on the City of St. Louis.
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Once again — Here is a more background on Kim Gardner.
In August 2018 Kim Gardner announced her attorneys will no longer accept cases from 28 different St. Louis City police officers. Gardner called it her “exclusion list” because they were racist.
Gardner did not tell the officers what they did to get on her list but they were being censored.
in 2019 Gardner refused to charge a drug dealer who was found with 1,000 opiate pills and 30,000 in cash because she didn’t like the cop involved.
And Gardner refused to charge the killer of a 7-year-old child despite a suspect’s confession in 2019.
Gardner lied about Governor Eric Greitens case, committed over 60 acts of misconduct in the case, and got away with it.
In 2020 Kim Gardner dropped the case against a suspect who shot another man in a traffic dispute in broad daylight.
In 2020 Kim Gardner also was caught on video lying about being harassed during a traffic stop!
Also in 2020 Kim Gardner released all of the rioters and looters from jail without charges in the violent St. Louis Black Lives Matter riots.