According to a report from the Disinformation Chronicle, multiple employees of the PR firm Weber Shandwick are embedded at the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.
The firm has long represented Pfizer and began providing public relations support to Moderna sometime in 2020.
The CDC did not respond when emailed about the employees according to Paul Thacker, the author of the article.
The Disinformation Chronicle reported:
The pharma industry—at least part of it—was likely less conflicted about the CDC’s decision, as the boardrooms of both Pfizer and Moderna have witnessed unprecedented sales and eye watering profits since introducing their COVID-19 vaccines. The companies’ success before the CDC also signals a win for the PR firm Weber Shandwick, which has long represented Pfizer and other pharmaceutical companies and began providing public relations support to Moderna sometime in 2020.
Beginning last week, I sent several emails to the CDC asking them to explain the nature of Weber Shandwick’s work at the agency and how involved Weber Shandwick employees are in the formulating guidance and public information on COVID-19 policy and vaccinations. Yesterday, I followed up with direct requests for comment emailed to the CDC Director and her Executive Secretary.
The Disinformation Chronicle reported:
A potential $50 million contract allows PR firm to be “embedded at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta as part of the Division of Viral Diseases team.”
I’m still not certain what happened to Americans, who seem to have tossed aside all caution and critical thinking when it comes to medical interventions that get labeled “vaccines.” I can only remark that, to myself and many living in Europe, it comes across as rather disturbing at times—almost cultish.
Thacker summarized the story in an exchange with Scott Adams.
Will anyone call out the conflicts of interest between Big Pharma and the CDC?