Pope Francis offered to meet with Putin but for some Putin has not replied. Now the Pope has suddenly gone from a warmonger to suggesting Putin responded to NATO’s aggressive moves in Ukraine.
HotAir reports:
This does answer one point — why Pope Francis hasn’t visited the capitals of either country in the latest European war. The pontiff told the Italian newspaper Corriere della Serra that he would like to visit both Kyiv and Moscow, but thinks that protocol should dictate that Moscow comes first. However, Vladimir Putin hasn’t bothered to answer:
Pope Francis says that he’s offered to travel to Moscow to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in an effort to help bring an end to the fighting in Ukraine, but he hasn’t gotten any response from the Kremlin. …
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“I asked Cardinal Parolin to convey my message to Putin, that I was ready to travel to Moscow,” he told the newspaper. “For sure, I was waiting for some kind of opening gesture from the Kremlin leader. We received no answer whatsoever, but we keep pressing them on this issue.
“I fear, however, that Putin cannot, or does not want to agree to our meeting at the moment. But how can you not try and do whatever you can to stop the atrocities? Twenty-five years ago we saw something similar happening in Rwanda.”
It’s not as if there hasn’t been any communication between the Kremlin and the Holy See. Francis met with Hungarian PM Viktor Orban on April 21, who told the pontiff that Putin had a “precise plan” to end the war within three weeks. How’s that going? Orban said Putin expected that Russia would cease military operations on May 9 — the national holiday in which Russians celebrate the surrender of the Nazis in World War II.
However, Umberto Pascali sent the following message about the Pope’s reactions to the war in Ukraine. He sees the Pope suddenly changing course on the subject. He shares that the Pope went from supporting the West in getting involved in the war, to now claiming he can see why Russia invaded Ukraine.
This was recently covered in the publication Libero Quotidiano:
After the interview of Lavrov to a Italian TV owned by former Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi (Zona Bianca), an even bigger bombshell exploded in Italy: Bergoglio (Pope Francis), the darling of the Great Reset oligarchs, now talks about the “barking of NATO at the gates of Moscow.” Bergoglio shamefully supported the war, waved publicly the Ukrainian flags, sent two cardinals to Zelensky, talked and encouraged Zelensky, refused to talk to Putin. But now, car in reverse! Bergoglio says that “twenty days after the beginniong of the war he asked the secretary of State, Cardinal Parolin to send Putin the message that I was willing to go to Moscow..” Surprise, surprise, Bergoglio complains: “We have not yet received an answer and we are still insisting, although I fear that Putin cannot and does not want to have this meeting at this time.”
So now, with the religious and diplomatic credibility of the Vatican, under zero, Bergoglio states that a key factor in “facilitating” the russian military operation, was the provocation of “NATO barking at the gates of Moscow”.
Of course a person like Bergoglio is able to say everything and its opposite (see the magistral expose’ of the present pope by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’). Italian observers with an insight on the situation have no doubt: the “surprising” statements of Bergoglio means that his friends in the top of the global oligarchy are scared. The Ukrainian war is not going that way they thought and now the European Union is slowly breaking down in the face of energy shortage, while the nazistoid regime of Kiev is loosing the war.
Why the sudden change from Pope Francis? This Pope goes from backing Ukraine in the war with Russia to seeing Russia’s side in the matter.
You would think the Pope would call for peace.