A majority of Americans now believe that the U.S. economy is already in a recession.
A poll taken by the Economist and YouGov within the past week shows that Americans see Biden moving the US economy into a recession.
55 percent of Americans say that the U.S. economy is already in a recession, according to the latest polling from Economist/YouGov taken June 4 through June 7, including 41 percent of Democrats, 75 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of independents.
Politically, that is usually bad news for the incumbent party occupying the White House, in this case President Joe Biden and the Democrats.
The latest reading of public sentiment on the economy comes as Congressional Republicans continue to lead Congressional Democrats in the generic ballot by 3.4 percentage points, 46.2 percent to 42.8 percent, in the latest average of national polls by RealClearPolitics.com.
Which, who can blame them? Amid crushing 8.3 percent consumer inflation and 11 percent producer inflation, record gasoline prices, food shortages and the ongoing supply chain crisis, Americans’ household budgets are getting hammered right now with no end in sight. Why?
The numbers are not good. Gas prices are at all time highs. Every day lately it seems that we report on new highs for gas. This helps Russia and the Saudis but not the US. Biden’s policies of reducing energy production in the US are killing the economy and making America less safe. Biden pretends that the US wasn’t energy independent only a year ago before his policies were put in place. Now gas is at all time highs.
Inflation as reported this morning is as high as it was last in 1981 after the Jimmy Carter economic meltdown.
There is nothing about the Biden economy for the average American to celebrate. Biden’s economy is a mess. This only helps America’s enemies.