In the newest wave of soviet-style lockdowns that are being imposed down under, people have been confined to their homes and are only permitted to leave for certain activities. The military has even been deployed to assist local authorities as extra muscle to ensure people comply.
Australia’s tyrannical covid restrictions have been causing unrest for weeks, but during massive freedom demonstrations on Saturday things hit a breaking point and boiled over when authorities came out and met them in full force.
City streets across the country were filled as citizens marched in unison, demanding their freedom and chanting “no more lockdowns.”
Many were carrying signs that read “vaccines kill” and “open schools and parks now,” despite the constant threat of being hauled away by the gestapo at any second.
Australia comes back to life; some don’t want to live in a prison colony again.
“Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”
— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) August 21, 2021
In one demonstration, thousands had gathered in Melbourne and were met with the same heavy police response. In an effort to control the crowd, authorities resorted to using rubber bullets and tear gas as they clashed throughout the day.
Australia’s third-world police state meets its first-world citizenry.
— Aaron Ginn (@aginnt) August 21, 2021
Dozens of officers have even been seen tackling demonstrators seemingly at random in brutal assaults that have been caught on camera.
Disturbing Scenes from the Lockdown Protest in Melbourne Australia, within the last hour.
— Bitcoin Senpai (@BitcoinSenpai) August 21, 2021
A woman was violently harassed just for attending the event, the gestapo ganged up on her and shoved her into a wall when they caught her walking alone.
Brutish thugs that are heartless as they are brainless attack a poor woman because she anted to protest in Australia
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) August 21, 2021
They even assaulted a little kid, pepper spraying him in the face.
Australia protest, even the kids get targeted, try and tell me this is about a virus and keeping us safe?
— sanne sunshine (@sannesunshine1) August 21, 2021
At one point, protesters breached a police barricade that had been set up during the unrest. When police attempted to expand their perimeter, a line of protesters with their arms linked broke through the line and allowed the crowd to storm through.
More footage
— TheMFT (XNV) (@The_MFT01) August 21, 2021
Hundreds have been arrested across the country as authorities try to track down more dissenters.
In Melbourne alone, almost 250 people have already been arrested and countless more face massive fines ($5,452) for violating the unconstitutional lockdown orders by taking part in the protests.
It’s no wonder #AustraliaHasFallen is trending, they have reverted back to an authoritarian police state.
They are even building Vax-entration camps for those especially unruly people who need a ‘little extra’ supervision.
Australia is quickly resembling something like Communist China, and if Americans don’t stand up soon to this tyranny that is being masked as public health, we will too.
The post Police State Rebellion: Hundreds Arrested as Chaos Breaks Out in Australia During Massive Freedom Protests; Crowd Breaks Through Barricades – Video appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.