PATHETIC: RINO Rep Adam Kinzinger Says He Regrets Voting Against First Impeachment Of Trump

RINO Rep Adam Kinzinger has shown his true colors.

He sent out a tweet thread apologizing for not supporting the impeachment of 45th President Donald Trump during the first trial against him.

He also praised deep state leaker Alexander Vindman.

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Kinzinger did vote in favor of Trump’s impeachment during the second trial.

After this vote, his own family bashed him.

11 of his relatives signed a letter stating that he was a “disappointment to God.”

Gateway Pundit reported: 

Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger has released a scathing handwritten letter he received from a number of his relatives, calling him a ‘disappointment to God’ and a stain on their family’s name for backing the impeachment of Donald Trump.

Kinzinger told the New York Times he received the disparaging note just two days after he called for Trump to be removed from office following the Capitol riots on January 6.

Penned by 11 members of his extended family, Kinzinger was accused in the letter of being in cahoots with ‘the devil’s army (Democrats and the fake news media)’ for publicly opposing the then-president and requesting the 25th Amendment be invoked against him.

Oh my, what a disappointment you are to me and to God!’ the letter, dated January 8, begins. ‘We were once so proud of your accomplishments! Instead, you go against your Christian principles and join the “devil’s army”.’

‘How do you call yourself a Christian when you join the “devil’s army” believing in abortion!’ the note continues. ‘We thought you were “smart” enough to see how the left is brainwashing so many.’

Kinzinger has decided not to seek re-election – voters have turned on him since he has sided with the Democrats.

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