This is an update to our breaking report by Cara Castronuova on the FBI confidential source who inflitrated the Proud Boys before the Jan. 6 protests in Washington DC.
The confidential human source James Ehren Knowles then reported that the Proud Boys did nothing wrong.
This report was buried by the FBI administration.
‘They had the report and lied about its findings to the American public.
Will this be the end of Chris Wray? It should be.
The FBI and the Department of Injustice continue to viciously politically persecute American Citizens and terrorize the public.
Now they’ve been caught.
Shame on the McCarthy-like January 6th Unselect Committee for abusing their power and using groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers as fall guys so they can punish their political opposition!
This is not the United States we were promised.
Their lies are being exposed.
A whistleblower has leaked a treasure trove of documents and text messages, some marked “Highly Sensitive”, to the Gateway Pundit. These documents contain incredible exculpatory evidence proving the Department of Justice was aware that a group of Indicted Proud Boys were innocent- yet are prosecuting them anyway.
You can find the entire dump of documents below, which includes hundreds of pages of transcripts of audio-recorded interviews with an Assisting United States Attorney, FBI Agents and their “Confidential Human Source”. The Confidential Human Source, or CHS, infiltrated the Kansas City Proud Boy Group for over a year and a half before the January 6th event and kept the FBI goons informed on the group’s activity.
Our source who is familiar with the FBI informant and has identified him as James Ehren Knowles.
According to the source, Knowles had gained the group’s total trust and was included in all group communications.
The victims of the FBI on the indictment include Kansas City Chapter Proud Boys William Chrestman, of Olathe, Kansas; Louis Enrique Colon, of Blue Springs, Missouri; and Ryan Ashlock, of Gardner, Kansas. Also included is Christopher Charles Kuehne, of Olathe, Kansas; and siblings Felicia and Cory Konold, of Tucson, Arizona. See their INDICTMENT HERE.
A fake news compilation of the Indicted “Proud Boys”. The DOJ has implied Felicia Konold is a Proud Boy, which is impossible as women are not allowed to join the all-male drinking club.
The informant blatantly tells the FBI in the files we attached to this article that Felicia Kenold and Cory Konold were people the Proud Boy group literally just met during the January 6th rally and marched with, yet the DOJ is prosecuting them as if they were part of the Proud Boy group and conspiring with them to Obstruct Congress.
The Konolds ran into the Proud Boys spontaneously, yet are being indicted as co-conspirators.
It is disgusting behavior on the part of the DOJ and they should be held accountable in a court of law for what they have done to these people.
Christopher Kuehne is a retired decorated combat veteran who has received numerous medals and awards including the Purple Heart, a Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and a Navy and Marine Corp Achievement Medal with Valor for actions in combat. His wife suffered a miscarriage the day after the FBI raided their home with a full SWAT team that dragged away her husband. He awaits trial. Read his story HERE and here.
Decorated Purple Heart Marine Christopher Kuehne, persecuted by the Government he fought for.
Army combat veteran and grandfather William Chrestman remains incarcerated at DC Gitmo for over a year and a half. His unlawful pre-trial incarceration has caused him to lose his house and has split up his family—including his wife, five children, and four grandchildren—into several different homes. Read his story here.
Army combat veteran William Chrestman has lost his home and family. He has been in pre-trial lock-up at DC Gitmo for a year and a half.
Felicia Konold is a young mother of a ten year old and an infant son that was pregnant on January 6th. According to our Gateway Pundit article on Felicia, “she was yanked from her bed at gunpoint by the FBI. Her entire street was blocked off and crowded with unmarked vehicles. Her small mobile home was raided and a two page long list of her belongings was seized” before she was locked in a tiny wire-mesh cage at an undisclosed location. The Biden Regime now wants to send her to prison for years and rip the single mother away from her small children. She can no longer communicate with her younger brother Cory as the DOJ forbids them to speak as they are “co-conspirators” awaiting trial. Read Felicia’s story here.
Felicia Konold is wrapped into the Proud Boys Conspiracy Indictment, even thought she just met them that day. She was pregnant with her newborn son on January 6th.
“They don’t care about Americans, regular people. We are like their collateral damage,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “They will frame decorated veterans, rip a breastfeeding mother away from her infant child to lock her up. What makes you think they won’t do it to you?”
Tomorrow morning at 10 AM EST, the Unselect Committee resumes their “Hearsay Hearings” after their last disaster “star witness” Cassidy Hutchinson claimed her 15 minutes of fame by repeating hearsay and conspiracy theories in the kangaroo court. She was quickly proven an unreliable witness who more than likely committed perjury.
The Unselect Committee criminals (led by Trump Hater Chairman Bennie Thomson and traitor Vice Chair Liz Cheney) plan on throwing the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers further under the bus as the fall guys for their fabricated “Insurrection”. They will more than likely attempt to tie individuals like Roger Stone, Rudy Guiliani and General Michael Flynn to the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers by association, and then somehow convince America to believe that this means Trump was responsible for the phony crimes they have charged them with (like Obstruction of Justice and Seditious Conspiracy). They have literally withheld exculpatory evidence from the public that exonerates these groups so they can have crimes to link Trump to “by association”. They have slandered these people’s names, locked them in solitary confinement and destroyed their chances of a fair trail in order to carry out their devious plan to keep Trump or anyone like him out of office.
“They seriously will never stop until Trump quits and has no heir apparent,” said Ryan. “They won’t stop until they kill the Patriot movement and things return to the establishment norm.”
She continued:
“The Proud Boys literally came to Trump rallies to protest peaceful protesters from radical left violent groups like Antifa. The Oath Keepers provided free security for groups that attended and conservatives public figures that were frequently attacked. They were literally heroes, and now they are all being charged with Sedition Conspiracy and tortured by their own government in pre-trial solitary confinement. They face a lifetime in prison. IT IS ABOUT TIME WE GET THEIR BACKS. If they can do it to these clubs, who is to say that next month they won’t decide to come for Latinos For Trump, or Veterans for America First, or you conservative club, your church group?”
*We at the Gateway Pundit remain dedicated to exercising our First Amendment Constitutional Right to participating in a free press and our obligation to check and balance the government by reporting their wrongdoings.
** Please donate to TGP’s American Gulag so we can continue to report the truth on January 6th.