Mayor Eric Adams heard an earful yesterday from angry New Yorkers. The Mayor was caught by furious protesters hurling obscenities at him as he got out of his limousine with his entourage heading to an upscale event at The Brooklyn Chop House in Times Square.
Demonstrators say they are frustrated that the NYC Mayor fired one of his own city lawyers because she had the audacity to confront him for forcing small children to be masked. People are also angry that Adams has not lifted workplace NYC vaccine mandates or the rule that toddlers must be masked.
This video captures New Yorker’s pure and unfiltered fury with Adams as he enters the event. They hurl explicit obscenities at the Mayor and shout “Lift the mandates!”, “Kneel before me Eric Adams” and “Kneel before me moth** f*****, as well as graphic barrages of other curse words. The mayor attempts to hold composure and stops to smile for photos in front of a ‘step and repeat’ before being hurried into the event by his security.
“Mayor Adams has lifted the vaccine mandates for wealthy sports teams (NY Yankees and NY Mets) and for Kyrie Irving (God bless Irving for being principled enough to stick to his guns and not submit to the vaccine),” said protester Jon Kopel. “Yet he has not lifted these mandates for city workers.”
See the video below of the Mayor leaving the event, where more protesters wait for him, yelling “You don’t care about your city!”, “Shame on you!”, “BOOOO!” and “You piece of Sh**”. Someone carries a sign reading “Don’t Step On My Liberty.”
As Adams gets in his vehicle and gives a thumbs up to the crowd with a smile they yell “Get in there you piece of sh**, you piece of garbage moth** fu****!” A man then runs to the car as it drives off with double middle fingers as more people shout “F*** you” and “BOOOOO” then chase his limo down the street.
“Apparently there are two sets of rules (not laws enacted by the legislature as required), one set of rules for Adams friends and supporters, and another set of rules for the lowly serfs,” said Kopel. “Maybe Adams wants free tickets to Yankees and Nets games?”
Earlier in the days city workers had held a demonstration at Madison Square Garden to protest against the same two tier rules requiring city workers to be vaccinated and toddlers be masked.
“If we don’t take a stand against the evil that has gripped New York City and the world we will lose our freedom, our health and our very lives,” said Kopel. “This is why we must fight now to protect our freedom here in NYC until every immoral and unconstitutional mandate is gone.”
Protesters swarm Mayor Eric Adams yesterday in NYC
A perturbed Adams is taken aback by protesters.
Protesters give Mayor Adams of NYC the middle finger as he drives off.
Sentiments to the Mayor by an angry New Yorker.