“This is government-sanctioned child abuse”
States in lockstep with the federal government continue to mandate unconstitutional COVID restrictions and bombard the public with an all-encompassing campaign to coerce compliance.
Masks and experimental gene therapy “keep people safe,” the illegitimate president and his Chi-com comrades incessantly warn.
October marks the 20th month of the COVID bio-war in the United States – the unprecedented censorship of free speech and air, the inability to safely or legally show your face in public and concerted effort to replace inalienable rights with global conformity.
The jig is up.
Americans realize the COVID-19 pandemic is a bio-war is being orchestrated by installed politicians and uniting to force corrupt coronavirus charlatans to scurry like roaches in the light.
When Jynaia Badie, a registered nurse and mother of five, dropped her son off at Durham Highschool to begin 9th grade in September, she happened to drive around the campus moments later to find him sitting outside, alone, at a desk in front of the school.
No one from the school called to notify her about her son, Jeremiah Badie, being punished.
“My son, without my knowledge, was sat – for the whole neighborhood to see – that he is wearing a scarlet letter because he’s choosing freedom,” Badie told the Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.
Prepared to torpedo truth at a wall of lies, Jynaia immediately demanded answers.
Unaware that the Badie family was surreptitiously recording him, Durham Unified School District Superintendent John Bohannon lashed out at Badie, warning the concerned mom that Jeremiah was no longer allowed in the classroom unless he “conforms” and complies with the COVID policy and agenda.
Jynaia wasn’t “allowing it to be” a good morning upon discovering her son is being deprived of school attendance because she has “a lot of – a couple of kids who are not following the mandate,” Bohannon scoffs.
Pressed on the legality of segregating, shaming, penalizing and isolating her sons, who claim religious exemption from the mandate, Bohannon instructed Badie to find her non-compliant children another school to attend.
“I encourage you, if you don’t like the rules here to go find a school in your home district where you can take your kids.” the superintendent continued. “We’re not going to argue. you need to leave. You are not allowed to be on campus.”
Pressed on the legality of segregating, shaming and isolating Jeremiah, the only non-white student enrolled in Durham High who claims religious exemption, Bohannon resorted to threatened to criminally hold Jynaiah accountable for trespassing on school grounds.
“Your son was perfectly safe, right here being supervised by staff. You guys need to leave. I’m going to go call the police right now,” he admonished. “Let me make this very clear. I will not call the cops on a student, but I will on adults who are not allowed on campus if you are interrupting education you are not allowed to be here.
“You are interrupting the work of my staff that’s here.”
Durham Highschool principal Robbin Perdett assured Jeremiah on Sept. 7, the first day of school, that he would only have to sit outside for the day after claiming a religious exemption from the mask mandate and that he would be marked “present” for attending the Jim Crow era-like “classroom.”
Yet, on Wednesday, Jeremiah attended school to sit outside by himself in front of the school as he has for the past five weeks later, while enduring intimidation and condescension from the school officials who mark him as absent each day.
“We are being segregated,” Jeremiah contends in an exchange he secretly recorded with the principal. “We’re not wearing the masks because we have an exemption.”
“You need to follow the policy. We’re not accepting those. You have to wear a mask,” the principal shot back, after warning Jeremiah to wear a mask or complete his freshman year alone on the lawn. “I really don’t want you here. So, everything that you want, is what I want.”
Meanwhile, Jynaia received notice on Wednesday morning that her five-year-old daughter is now banned from attending school in the Durham school district.
The nurse suspects Bohannon and the Durham school districts staff are eager to target her Trump-supporting family with the modern-day Jim Crow mandates.
“Racial slurs have been used. Someone called my son a f**ing n**ger. [Bohannon] told [my son] he’s not allowed to be upset,” she explained. “My son had a Trump sticker on his truck and the teacher told him a black man voting for Trump is like a chicken walking themselves to KFC.

Durham High School physics teacher David Atkinson: “A black man voting for Trump is like a chicken walking themselves to KFC.”
“This same teacher is a teacher who locked my son out of the classroom – telling children in the classroom you better wear your Fucking masks. Being the only black parent in the Durham Unified school district and it’s really hard because I am teaching my children to love beyond color.”
Jynaia is urging all parents in her district to join her in filing a class-action lawsuit against the school district as she seeks legal representation and begins mounting the case on her own.
“We are all under attack but we are more strongly united. United we stand, divided we fall – we have to stand for what’s right even if we are standing alone. Right now, it feels like I am standing alone in my community, but I am willing to fight this fight,” she said. “I’ve called 200 attorneys trying to find a civil rights attorney is very hard in this day and age.
“I know there is someone who is going to fight and if not, I’ve got a God and a mouth big enough to make this fight myself. I am an American and I will stand on my God-given freedoms and my constitution. Give me liberty or give me death.”
The post Nurse Secretly Records Superintendent Mask Nazi Segregating Non-Compliant Students appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.