Dr. Fauci, Director of NIAID, on June 30th, 2020. Dr. Collins, Director of NIH, photo from 2011.
The walls are closing in on Tony Fauci.
Over the summer, Dr. Fauci testified before congress about the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) role in using US taxpayer dollars to fund dangerous gain of function research in Wuhan, China which directly led to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Unsurprisingly, he shamelessly lied through his teeth, vigorously denying the agency’s involvement when he was grilled by Republican Senator Rand Paul.
Now, his lies are catching up to him, so the NIH is scrambling to cover their tracks.
On Friday, after they couldn’t keep a lid on it for any longer, the NIH scrubbed “gain of function” and its definition from its ‘research involving potential pandemic pathogens’ page on its website.
From part of the now-deleted webpage, courtesy of the WayBackMachine:
“The term gain-of-function (GOF) research describes a type of research that modifies a biological agent so that it confers new or enhanced activity to that agent…. The subset of GOF research that is anticipated to enhance the transmissibility and/or virulence of potential pandemic pathogens, which are likely to make them more dangerous to humans, has been the subject of substantial scrutiny and deliberation.
Such GOF approaches can sometimes be justified in laboratories with appropriate biosafety and biosecurity controls to help us understand the fundamental nature of human-pathogen interactions, assess the pandemic potential of emerging infectious agents, and inform public health and preparedness efforts, including surveillance and the development of vaccines and medical countermeasures.
This research poses biosafety and biosecurity risks, and these risks must be carefully managed. When supported with NIH funds, this subset of GOF research may only be conducted in laboratories with stringent oversight and appropriate biosafety and biosecurity controls(link is external) to help protect researchers from infection and prevent the release of microorganisms into the environment.”
Here is the NIH webpage today.
Twitter user Jeremy Redfern exposed the silent update in a detailed tweet thread that he released earlier in the day. All mentions to gain of function research on the page have been replaced with their new made-up term: “enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research.”
— Jeremy Redfern (@JeremyRedfernFL) October 22, 2021
Isn’t it nice to be able to make up new terms, as you go?
Calling it something else doesn’t change the fact you lied to Congress. We all know it’s gain of function.
In a document that was provided to Congress this week, the NIH admitted that it HAD indeed funded gain of function experiments on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan. The letter attempts to shift the blame to EcoHealth Alliance for “violating terms and conditions” of an NIH grant and brazenly claims that the agency was unaware that US taxpayer funds were being used on the controversial research.
Senator Paul wasn’t buying the line of BS. He went on Fox News after the NIH letter was made public to slam Fauci for purposefully “lying for a year and a half” about research that “could destroy civilization.”
Fauci must be terrified, but he is as corrupt as the day is long, so he will not stop the research – he will just change the definition.
As Senator Paul points out, Fauci and the NIH are still funding EcoHealth Alliance’s gain of function experimentation, including its work in Wuhan, until at least 2025.
Realize that NIH is still funding Ecohealth collaboration with Wuhan thru 2025. Fauci has publicly stated his support for Continuing US taxpayer funding of Wuhan. https://t.co/Aq7n8JUst0
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) October 21, 2021
These elites are masters at parsing words to maneuver around the truth. The new description for EPPP research (formerly known as gain of function) on the NIH website now reads:
“On limited occasions, when justified by compelling public health need and conducted in very high biosecurity laboratories, NIH has supported certain research that may be reasonably anticipated to create, transfer or use potential pandemic pathogens resulting from the enhancement of a pathogen’s transmissibility and/or virulence in humans.
The U.S. Government and the Department of Health and Human Services define such research as enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research.
NIH-supported ePPP research requires strict oversight and may only be conducted with appropriate biosafety and biosecurity measures. This research can help us understand the fundamental nature of human-pathogen interactions, assess the pandemic potential of emerging infectious agents such as viruses and inform public health and preparedness efforts, including surveillance and the development of vaccines and medical countermeasures.
While such research is inherently risky and requires strict oversight, the risk of not doing this type of research and not being prepared for the next pandemic is also high.While ePPP research is a type of so called “gain-of-function” (GOF) research, the vast majority of GOF research does not involve ePPP and falls outside the scope of oversight required for research involving ePPPs.”
Apparently, changing the term also permits the NIH to start fearmongering with the propaganda again – “the risk of not doing this type of research and not being prepared for the next pandemic is also high” – These sellouts got us here in the first place when you gave COMMUNIST CHINA (America’s #1 adversary) millions to engineer this virus.
How about instead of holding Steve Bannon in contempt, the members of Congress get off their asses and hold lying Dr. Fauci accountable for once? He lied under oath after all…
The post NIH Silently REMOVES “Gain of Function” from Website After Report Confirms Directors Fauci and Collins LIED to Congress About Funding the Research in China appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.