NEW: Biden Regime Halts ‘Ministry of Truth’ After Just Three Weeks

The Biden Regime is ‘pausing’ the Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ after conservative media hammered the lunatic Marxist chosen to run the Orwellian agency.

Nina Jankowicz, the far-left lunatic chosen to lead the DHS’s ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ has been wrong about pretty much everything.

Jankowicz previously said the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinfo.

The Biden Regime claimed she’s the perfect neutral person to troll the internet to police so-called disinformation.

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Jen Psaki said the governance board will work to preserve free speech.

Last Tuesday Republicans offered a bill to abolish Joe Biden’s Ministry of Truth.

House Dems rejected the bill.

After just three weeks, the Biden Admin is now halting the program, according to the Washington Post.

Jankowicz has drafted her resignation letter, according to The Post.

‘Nina Jankowicz has been subjected to unjustified and vile personal attacks and physical threats,’ a DHS spokesperson told The Post.

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