An MSNBC columnist is urging men to undergo vasectomies amid the looming threat of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.
“Data shows men are taking pregnancy prevention into their own hands,” a column authored by Liz Plank claims in the headline.
While, “gently encouraging men to get vasectomies hasn’t exactly worked in the past,” Plank notes, “maybe an extreme right-wing minority encoding forced birth into law will.”
The article features testimony from several men who claim that recently passed laws banning abortion in Florida, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio and Texas along with the shocking leak of the Supreme Court’s draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade earlier this month prompted them to consider cutting off their sperm supply.
“My wife has had a negative reaction to the pill, and I don’t think that the responsibility of whether we become pregnant or not should fall on my partner,” 45-year-old Manuel Benavides of Texas told MSNBC. “We had a few pregnancy scares and we also know that six weeks is a ridiculous time frame.”
He added: “We had a few pregnancy scares and we also know that six weeks is a ridiculous time frame. Knowing that the Supreme Court was considering a challenge to Roe and looking at the makeup of the court, we knew this decision was imminent.”
Matthew of Amesbury, Massachusetts said he was also prompted to undergo a vasectomy following the leak of the Supreme Court’s draft decision to overturn Roe and is now on a waitlist to undergo the sterilization procedure.
“They are booking a month out and the receptionist who told me this seemed surprised by it,” Matthew told the corporate press. “It really is difficult to emphasize how much the SCOTUS leak changed our trajectory on this.”
If Roe v. Wade, which allows abortion up until the moment before birth, is overturned, men must prevent pregnancies by undergoing the surgical procedure that provides permanent birth control, contends Plank, author of “For The Love Of Men.”
“In a world where women don’t have a guaranteed constitutional right to access abortion and men don’t have any laws regulating their bodies, the burden of family planning will have to fall on them,” she notes. “If that scares the men who haven’t been showing up to the fight for reproductive justice, they’ll need to put up a bigger fight
The MSNBC columnist also claims vasectomy-related Google searches have recently risen 99 percent following the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion while searches on “how much is a vasectomy” increased 250 percent.
Meanwhile, the United States birth rate has fallen to its lowest point ever.
According to the murderous Center For Disease Control and Prevention, the American birth rate fell for the sixth consecutive year in 2020, the lowest number of babies born since 1979.
“Some 3.6 million babies were born in the US in 2020 – marking a 4% decline from the year before, found the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics,” the BBC reports. “The slump was seen across all recorded ethnicities and origins, according to the findings.”