Montana Supreme Court Restores Election Integrity — Mandates Voter ID and Bans Same-Day Voter Registration

The Montana Supreme Court brought sanity back to the western state by mandating voter ID and banning same-day voter registration on Wednesday.

Democrats were fighting to lift the regulations in the state. It’s easier to cheat that way.

The Montana Supreme Court made the ruling for the upcoming primary elections in the state.

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Montana KTVH reported:

The Montana Supreme Court has temporarily restored new state voting laws for the June primary that prevent same-day voter registration and require voters that use student IDs for identification to bring additional documents.

Last month, Montana Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen’s office asked Supreme Court justices to stay a district court order that blocked the two new regulations.

The Supreme Court’s ruling, which comes weeks before the state primary election, temporarily restores the laws while the legal challenges play out.

“Since we have determined that the status quo is best maintained by staying the preliminary injunction and since we are further convinced that staying the preliminary injunction would cause less voter confusion and disruption of election administration,” the order stated.

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