MOMENTUM IS GROWING: Now Six Counties in Wisconsin Are Reportedly Calling for Speaker Vos to Resign

The GOP in counties across the state of Wisconsin are calling for Speaker Vos to resign.  At least one county also voted for a resolution to decertify the 2020 Election. 

We reported a couple days ago that Sheboygan County in Wisconsin voted for a resolution demanding that Speaker Robin Vos resign as the Speaker of the great state of Wisconsin.

Wisconsin’s Sheboygan County Republicans Pass Resolution Calling for Vote of No Confidence for Speaker Vos and Demand His Removal or Resignation

This movement is gaining steam.  The Republican Party of Iowa County in Wisconsin, at the “Iowa Caucus” voted this week to call for the removal of Robin Vos and restore Rep. Ramthun’s legislative staff.  Only one vote dissented.  This resolution by Iowa County GOP in Wisconsin calls for the decertification of the 2020 Election as well.

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Wi Icgop Decert Resolution 021022 by Jim Hoft on Scribd

The GOP in Iowa County in Wisconsin also passed a resolution demanding that no private money be allowed in the election process, in particular, money like that from CTCL which was used in the 2020 election to put unconstitutional dropboxes in place across the state.  The resolution calls for no more bribery in the state by enforcing the laws in place.

Wi Icgop Wva Elec Bribery Resolution 021022 by Jim Hoft on Scribd

In Wood County in Wisconsin the Executive Board of the GOP also calls for Vos to resign:

The Executive Board of the Wood County Republican Party is greatly concerned by the fact that Assembly Speaker Robin Vos is not representing the Republican constituents of Wood County. Speaker Vos’ actions, statements and his general disregard of the clear facts throughout the various investigations of the fraudulent election of 2020 are reprehensible.  These misguided actions by Speaker Vos and the fact that he continues to impede the investigations and ignore the will of the people effectively demands his removal from both the Speaker’s chair and from the Assembly.

Robin Vos’ actions toward Assemblyman Timothy Ramthun show his contemptuous nature and further support his removal.  Speaker Vos presumes too much control over potential Statewide Republican candidates and has ignored the people’s voice for too long.  The Wood County Republican Party Executive Board demand that Representative Ranthum’s staff (both full time and otherwise) be reinstated.

And finally, we strongly suggest that Speaker Robin Vos’s constituents begin the process of removing him from office.

Across the state of Wisconsin Republicans can see that Speaker Vos is the reason why the state is not performing quality forensic audits of machines and ballots in the state and is actually asking for more dropboxes in the next election as we reported previously.

BREAKING: President Trump Issues Statement in Response to GP’s Report on Wisconsin Speaker Vos’s Attempts to Increase Drop Boxes in Elections in the State

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