Missouri’s Wentzville School District Is Back in the News After CRT Racist Political Propaganda Was Reported Being Taught in the Classrooms

The School District in Wentzville, Missouri is in a crisis situation.  If the school board members don’t recognize this, they should resign.

After reports of the Critical Race Theory’s (CRT)  racist garbage being taught in the district’s classrooms last summer, and the rape of a teenage autistic girl last week, this week the district is under fire again for teaching CRT-related material to the students.

Back in July, we reported on the district promoting materials related to the Critical Race Theory.  Parents in the district were livid that the district was teaching this sick material to their children.

Missouri’s Wentzville School District Tells Parents They’re Not Teaching CRT But Evidence Shows Otherwise


Last week the Wentzville School District was in the news for the rape of an autistic teenage girl in the district.

Lawsuit Filed Against Missouri School District After Autistic Teen Was Raped Twice By Other Students

Now the Wentzville School District is back in the news.  This past week a question that was given to a student in the district was shared on social media and in the local news.  Below is the question.

In response to the question, the district provided the following communication to the parents in the district.

Dear WSD families,

Our teachers work hard to provide appropriate content for students across the Wentzville School District and utilize a host of resources to assist in this endeavor. We support our teachers having access to these tools to better serve our students. 

We want to address an item that has been circulating online this week that was created by an outside resource for our Advanced Placement Government and Politics class designed to prepare students for the AP assessment exam. There are appropriate ways to teach and assess a variety of topics, including political ideology and beliefs. The question was poorly worded. It was inappropriate, extreme, and divisive. It is important to us that students feel safe and welcome in every class and space within our schools. We apologize if any of our students felt unsafe or unwelcome.

As we’ve stated, we will be reaching out to the resource developers who developed the question to discuss this concern.

While it is important to us that we provide opportunities for students to think critically about a variety of topics, we want to ensure that is done in a way that allows them to do that safely. We’ve been made aware of another item circulating on social media, and when we encounter content, activities, or experiences in our District that may cause students to feel otherwise, we address it. 

If there is ever any confusion or question about content in your child’s classroom, please reach out to your student’s teacher, as we welcome open conversation and dialogue. 

Here is a summary of the district’s responses along with our questions/comments:

  • “We support our teachers having access to these tools” – these tools are sick and racist – period – get rid of them. 
  • The question was “created by an outside resource for our Advanced Placement Government and Politics class designed to prepare students for the AP assessment exam” – Who’s taking this exam and why?  What else is shared in preparation for this exam?  Should the school district even be involved in preparing for such a backward exam if material like this is in it?  Who are the outside sources and will you cancel all material from these resources?
  • “The question was poorly worded.” – Why is this question even being asked?  The entire subject matter is the issue not only the question!
  • “We will be reaching out to the resource developers who developed the question to discuss this concern” – Take it out of the school – get rid of it – no need to “discuss” – get rid of it and stop sharing any material from these sick and racist resource developers. 
  • “It is important to us that we provide opportunities for students to think critically about a variety of topics, we want to ensure that is done in a way that allows them to do that safely.”  This isn’t about safety it’s about racism.  We don’t want it in our classrooms period.  Get rid of it. 

This school district is a total mess yet the people in the district are good, God-loving Americans in one of the largest red counties in the country.

This destruction of America has to end.  America is the most accepting country the world has ever seen.  We need to stop those who use race to separate us in an effort to destroy this good and Godly country. 

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