Protestors are calling for the Military to invoke Article 142 of the Brazilian Constitution
Millions of Brazilians continue to protest the stolen elections and call for the military to step in and protect democracy, even as the rainy season begins with torrential downpours. Convicted Communist criminal Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will be certified Dec. 12 and inaugurated Jan. 1, the corrupt far-left Electoral Court said. President Jair Bolsonaro will meet with protestors and ”will not let them down“, says his party leader. A former Judge called for the arrest of corrupt Chief Justice Alexandre de Moraes.
The corrupt Superior Electoral Court announced on Tuesday that the certification ceremony of Lula as president is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Monday, December 12. The inauguration is scheduled for January 1, 2023.
Lula is in cahoots with the far-left judges, who he appointed, and who have refused to consider three major reports on the fraudulent all-digital elections (Gateway Pundit reported). Lula met with the stooge judges on Nov. 9 to plot their future plans.
Lula da Silva conspiring with the corrupt Supreme Court Nov. 9
“Bolsonaro is a man”
Senator Renan Calheiros, who is part of the transition team of fake President Lula, threatened to arrest pro-democracy protestors and lock them up for up to 4 years, calling them “fascists.” The Calheiros also suggested punishing public servants such as the Federal Highway Police, who refrain from unblocking the roads.
President Jair Bolsonaro met with leaders of the Liberal Party (PL) Tuesday to discuss how to proceed in the face of the largest pro-democracy protests in the history of the world, which are shamefully being ignored by evil global mainstream media. The head of the PL Valdemar Costa Neto said Bolsonaro would not leave the protestors “in the lurch”. Valdemar said that Bolsonaro is looking forward to “talking to these people who are on the street, people he loves, and who love Bolsonaro,” said the PL head.
“You can be sure that Bolsonaro will give you an answer. Bolsonaro is a man. You can be sure that he will not let you down,” Valdemar added to a supporter.
“The solution will be to arrest Alexandre de Moraes”
At a speech on Sunday Nov. 20 in Brasliía, former Vice-President of the Regional Electoral Court Dr. Sebastião Coelho called for the arrest of corrupt Supreme Court Chief Justice Alexandre de Moraes, to standing ovations from the audience. “More than 80% of judges in Brazil, at first and second instances, do not agree with what the Federal Supreme Court is doing,” said the former judge.
“Justice Alexandre de Moraes has not respected the Constitution for a long time. He has been committing crimes for a long time and the Federal Constitution says that arrest can only occur by written order of a judicial authority, that is, of a judge, or in flagrante delicto,” Coelho said.
“The crimes committed by Alexandre de Moraes are being committed with his decisions. By the time his decisions are in effect, crime is happening. Therefore, he is in a state of flagrante delicto.”
“The solution will be to arrest Alexandre de Moraes,” said Coelho. “It remains for the President of the Republic to summon the Armed Forces to carry out the arrest of Alexandre de Moraes.”
“The people of Brazil do not want to be led by convicted criminal”
“We are in Day 29 of mass protest in Brazil, a democratic country, with free elections, and we’re talking not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but millions (of protestors) And what looks to be, when all is said and done, will be tens of millions,” investigative journalist Matthew Tyrmand told Tucker Carlson on Monday. “This is possibly the largest democratic protest in human history, and the global media is crickets on this. It is being memory-holed in real-time.”
The people of Brazil are “very clear”, Tyrmand said: “They do not want to be led by convicted criminal. Lula da Silva was convicted in three separate courts, on 12 charges, by 19 judges, unanimously. Not Bolsonaro appointees, this was years before Bolsonaro. His judicial appointees in the Supreme Court freed him in the last two years, just so he could run in thisrace. They annulled and vacated his multiple sentences, a 12 year sentence. 580 days he served. They let him out to run. And Brazil has a law on the books that says no convicted felon can be elected to office. They absolutely put him on the chessboard so they could attempt to control the outcome. Now the people, en masse, are crying foul.”
Even in the districts where Lula da Silva “supposedly has a stronghold, say, the Amazon, with indigenous peoples – they’re marching on Brasilia. Every city in the country is filled with protestors. Now the question is, what is to be done when you have a judiciary that is not comprised of impartial, non-partisan judges, but political appointees who are working to skew an electoral outcome.”
The military has “a special role in the Brazilian constitution, Article 142”, Tyrmand said: “They are the ones to adjudicate separation-of-power disputes. And it looks like this will be coming to a head.”
In a letter published last Saturday 11/26, more than 221 military personnel, including 46 flag officers, mostly from the Air Force and the Navy, criticized the Supreme Court and the Brazilian electoral process, and asked the commanders of the Armed Forces to take a position on the demands of the demonstrators who protesting outside the barracks.