100 Percent Fed Up reports – On September 23, 2019, Southfield City Clerk Sherikia Hawkins (D) was charged with six election law felonies related to the 2016 election. Curiously, four of the six felony charges against her were dropped before her case went to trial.
After the charges were announced, Michigan’s dishonest Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson told the media, “Today upon learning that the Southfield City Clerk was formally charged with multiple crimes under Michigan election law, I exercised my authority under Michigan law to exert supervisory control over local election officials and directed the clerk to refrain from administering any election while there are charges pending against her,” Benson said. “Our elections are the foundation of our democracy, and under my and Attorney General Nessel’s administration there will be no tolerance for any actions that undermine that foundation – anywhere, anytime, by any person or official.”
But, that’s not exactly what happened. Sherikia has yet to stand trial for her crimes, and in the meantime, four of the six felony voter fraud charges have been dropped that stem from the November 2018 election.
Before the four absentee voter fraud charges were dropped, Sherikia was potentially facing up to 48 years in prison.
Michigan’s dirty Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and the lawless Attorney General Dana Nessel promised justice would be served for Sherikia Hawkins. They made it clear that political affiliation would not be used as a litmus test when punishing those who abuse their power to commit crimes related to voting in their state.
But that’s not exactly true…
In a small township in rural Michigan, Stephanie Scott, the Adams Township Clerk who ran for office as a Republican, received a letter today from Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office written by Director of Elections Jonathon Braeter with a copy sent to Dana Nessel’s office, informing her that she has been relieved of her duties as an elected official, a full two days before the deadline for her to comply with their demands to “update” her Hart voting machine.

Adams Twp. Clerk Stephanie Scott
Stephanie has refused updates to her machine over her concern that election data from the 2020 election that, by law, is supposed to be preserved for 22 months will be compromised or, worse, erased.
The Adams Twp. Clerk Stephanie Scott explained, “The deadline for the Public accuracy test (and potential reprogramming of the machine) is in two days. It is my understanding via an email from the Deputy County Clerk that the machine maintenance is not due until the end of the calendar year. The Hillsdale County clerk set an arbitrary August 2021 date for machine maintenance of which I did not participate. so my hard deadline is not about tabulator maintenance. Other townships used their machines earlier this year without the ‘maintenance’ being performed.” Scott is investigating the use of a hand count. Unfortunately, legal counsel was inconclusive at the time of her presentation to the township board.
On Monday, Ms. Scott received the letter relieving her from her duties, two days before the deadline, to comply with their demands, including updating her tabulator to accommodate a 5G connection. The Adams Twp. clerk would like to know why these modems are plugged in all day during the election if the purpose is only to transmit results after the polls are closed?

In their threatening letter, the Adams Twp. clerk is “directed” to “provide immediate access to all election equipment and records, including tabulator, voter assist terminals, absentee ballot applications, and ballot envelopes and polling place materials. They also inform her that her access to the Qualified Voter File will be suspended until further notice, and inform her that she will be charged with a misdemeanor if she refuses to comply.

In a letter to fellow clerks in her district, Hillsdale County Chief Deputy Clerk Abe Dane mocked Stephanie Scott for requesting a hand count until her issues with Sec. of State Benson are resolved. The deputy county clerk took it a step further and warned her fellow clerks to not allow Stephanie to borrow any of their tabulators for her upcoming election and to report back to him if she asks.
Here’s a copy of Abe Dane’s letter to Stephanie’s fellow Hillsdale County clerks:
Adams township is the only precinct open in Hillsdale County for November 2nd and they are the only precinct that has refused to have their election equipment maintained per the contract between the State of Michigan and Hart InterCivic. They are now refusing to use their precinct’s equipment for the November 2 election and are pursuing a hand count which is illegal under Michigan’s election law. At their board meeting on October 11th, Clerk Stephanie Scott tried to get her board to vote in favor of using a hand count instead of the machines. There were members of the board and the public that were concerned her actions would invalidate the election and hurt the school, so she did not get the support she was hoping for. She stated that she would still be pursuing her own agenda on this and has been working with an unknown attorney as their township attorney has already told her what she intends to do is illegal. I tell you this because she has mentioned the possibility of getting a hold of another precincts equipment to use instead of her own if she is forced to because she wants to “maintain the integrity” of her own machine in hopes that she will be able to find something fraudulent if a forensic audit might eventually happen. If Stephanie Scott contacts any of you asking to use your tabulator or touch writer for the November 2 election, please alert our office immediately and use the information above to decide whether you want to assist her or not. Just know that we recommend politely declining her request.
The next election is scheduled for Nov. 2nd. Stephanie Clark has no plans to back down and will fight to protect the integrity of the voting machine in her office and the data from the 2020 election that it contains.
UPDATE: Yesterday, less than 24 hours after she received the letter from the SOS, the Adams Twp. Treasurer, the Hillsdale county clerk, and deputy clerk gained access to Stephanie’s office while she was meeting with legal counsel. They confiscated her Hart tabulator and election-related documents.
Clark plans to fully comply with the law and is consulting with counsel regarding whether the tyranny of the Secretary of State and Bureau of Elections has any legal authority over an elected official that has not broken any laws or has failed to comply with the duties of her position.
The post Michigan City Clerk Fired by Crooked Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson After Refusing to Turn Over 2020 Election Election Machines to be Wiped Clean By State Officials appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.