Lindsey Graham is proving he is a RINO.
Sen. Lindsey Graham has become Biden’s “go-to-ally” to help him get his judicial picks through.
Graham emerges as go-to ally for Biden’s judicial picks
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) went viral during the Trump administration, and bolstered his conservative cred, with a fiery defense of then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. But now, he is quietly emerging as one of the GOP’s most frequent supporters of President Biden’s judicial nominees.
The evolution is the latest turn for the South Carolina Republican and former Judiciary Committee chair — regarded by his critics as a political chameleon but one known for his relationships with Democrats and willingness to shift within his own party.
Graham’s support for Biden’s court picks comes even as he remains deeply enmeshed with both former President Trump — touting his own judicial nominees — and faces a GOP base deeply antagonistic toward Biden and congressional Democrats.
Dem Senator Dick Durbin pointed out “a number of senators on the Republican side that have helped us move things along.”
“There have been a number of senators on the Republican side that have helped us move things along,” said Sen Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). “He’s one of them but others have helped too.”
Tucker Carlson previously exposed this pointing out he is helping Biden “get the most judges confirmed” despite claiming he is a conservative.
Tucker Carlson Calling Out @LindseyGrahamSC For Helping The Biden Administration Achieve Their Radical Agenda & The “Conservatives” Who Keep Promoting & Supporting Graham
“So the most radical President of our lifetimes gets the most judges confirmed thanks to Lindsey Graham.”
— The Columbia Bugle
(@ColumbiaBugle) August 25, 2021
Lindsey Graham was also one of the RINOs who voted for Biden’s radical infrastructure bill.
He was censured by a North Carolina county GOP for the vote.
County GOP Censures Lindsey Graham Over Infrastructure Bill Vote
The post Liberals Celebrate Lindsey Graham As “Go-To Ally” For Biden’s Judicial Picks appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.