Latvian Police Arrested Country’s Main Opposition Leader for Illegal Meeting – And for His Views

Latvian police have arrested the country’s main opposition leader, Mr. Aldis Gobzems, in a vicious raid while on his party’s pre-election and meet-up with his supporters in the central Latvian town of Tukums on Monday.

He was arrested for allegedly having an unannounced assembly and safety requirements were not met.

Gobzems is a staunch critic against the current prime minister Mr. Karins and the president of Latvia Mr. Levits. He also criticized the Latvian government about unconstitutional corona vaccine mandates and covid passports.

The Latvian government just recently passed a new law that allows businesses to dismiss unvaccinated workers and ban unvaccinated lawmakers from meetings.

According to a report from EU Reporter, “Gobzems accuses the current government of embezzling public funds under the cover of fighting the COVID pandemics. Mr. Gobzems has been also voicing against segregation of Latvian citizens by introducing vaccination against COVID certificates.”

THe Telegram reported:

Mr. Gobzems is chairman of the Likums Kārtība party, which seeks to replace the current government, supports the civil liberties enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia and opposes increased bureaucracy, injustice and misappropriation of state property (taxpayers’ money).

Rūdolfs Brēmanis, a civic activist and former diplomat, commented to Telegram that the arrest of Aldis Gobzems has sparked public outcry and astonishment of members of government parties, because in a democracy no one should be arrested simply for his beliefs. “This is a precedent for the whole of Europe,” said Bremen.

The restriction of the deputy’s freedom can be implemented only with the consent of the Seimas, the head of the Parliament’s legal office Dina Meistere told the news agency LETA. Without the consent of the Seimas, a Member may not be arrested, searched or otherwise deprived of his or her personal liberty. A member of the Seimas may be arrested if he or she is caught committing a crime.

Read more here.

Gobzems has now been released and no charges were filed against him. A reader from Estonia told The Gateway Pundit, “In my opinion, this is the first in EU that kind of big operation about opposition leader(reminds also Navalni arrest in Russia lately). So it has begun in EU and Nazi rulers together with Ursula Von Leyen will put people who practice FREE SPEECH to JAIL!”

The post Latvian Police Arrested Country’s Main Opposition Leader for Illegal Meeting – And for His Views appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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