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Kari Lake’s legal team has responded to questionably elected Arizona Secretary of State and former Mexican Drug Cartel lawyer Adrian Fontes’ “phony allegation” and request for Attorney General Kris Mayes to “investigate and take appropriate enforcement action against Kari Lake.”
They are politically persecuting Kari for sounding the alarm about the stolen 2022 Election.
Both of these candidates won highly questionable elections in Maricopa County and Arizona, and they are terrified of Kari Lake’s fight against stolen elections.
Jailing political opponents is a third-world consequence of speaking out against a fraudulently installed regime. As The Gateway Pundit reported, Brazil’s Stasi Supreme Court issued arrest warrants last month targeting opposition figures for “undemocratic acts” after Lula da Silva stole the Presidential Election.
The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on the 2022 Election in Maricopa County and Kari Lake’s lawsuit alleging enormous voter fraud. Massive chain of custody failures reportedly rendered OVER 298,000 ballots at Runbeck Election Services invalid. Nearly 300,000 mismatched or fraudulent mail-in ballot signatures were illegally counted. Intentional voting machine/ballot printer failures on Election Day disenfranchised in-person voters who turned out for Republicans 3:1.
Maricopa County’s voting machines failed at 235 times the EAC-regulated failure rates after faulty ballot printer settings were intentionally changed on election day.
The Gateway Pundit reported on Monday that the newly selected regime heading up Arizona’s top statewide offices is now targeting Kari Lake with felony charges and jail time for sharing information made public by an Arizona Senate investigation.
The Gateway Pundit reported on some of the shocking findings in last Monday’s Arizona Senate Elections Committee presentation, including Election Day tabulators reportedly rejecting nearly 1/4 million vote attempts on election day and the nearly 300,000 unverified or incorrectly verified ballot signatures accepted by Maricopa County.
Chairwoman of the Elections Committee State Senator Rogers discussed the newly formed Senate Elections Committee and reacted to bombshell findings of over 500,000 Maricopa County 2022 Election ballots that have been placed into question by We The People AZ Alliance’s investigation and presentation in an exclusive interview with The Gateway Pundit.
As we reported, Lake simply shared evidence that was presented and made public in the Arizona Senate, as it is her right to do so.
The public letter from the Secretary of State’s office, asking the Attorney General’s office to prosecute Lake, “selectively quotes the statute in an attempt to distort the law and smear Kari Lake in the process.”
The letter came just TWO DAYS before the Arizona Court of Appeals is set to hold a February 1 conference in Kari Lake’s lawsuit contesting the stolen Midterm Election.
“This is becoming all too common in politics,” said attorney Tim LaSota. It is another partisan political witchhunt targeting a Trump-aligned figure.
Tim LaSota calls on the Democratic occupant of the Attorney General’s Office, Kris Mayes, to “immediately say that she will have no part in this shameful, disgusting effort.” LaSota concludes, “Kari Lake has an absolute right under the First Amendment to republish the information presented to the Senate.”
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The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on Kari Lake’s historic fight to save Arizona.