Joe Biden Tells Black Students to “Stand Up Against White Supremacy” – Then This Unfortunate Video Resurfaces

Joe Biden on Saturday delivered the 2023 commencement address at Howard University.

Biden, being that he is a lifelong racist, made his speech about race.

Joe Biden falsely claimed the most dangerous threat to the US is ‘white supremacy.’

And everyone cheered.

“The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy, and I’m not saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU…” Biden said.


But who is the white supremacist?Unfortunately, for Joe Biden there is video of Old Joe delivering the eulogy and KKK Kleagle Senator Robert Byrd’s funeral.They were very close.

Joe Biden eulogized KKK Senator Robert Byrd.

Cristina Laila added this 7 minute video of Joe Biden saying racist remarks in her report yesterday.

The media won’t tell you this.

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