Jim Hoft, founder of the Gateway Pundit, and Patty McMurray, founder of 100 Percent Fed Up, will travel to Cedar, MI, (just outside of Traverse City) where they will appear as guests at a fundraiser for MI State Rep. candidate Heather Cerone (R). Heather, a pro-Trump, pro-election integrity candidate, is running against an incumbent RINO who doesn’t believe election fraud was an issue in the 2020 election.
The conservative news publishers, who have been working together on several projects to expose the crimes committed by the Left in the 2020 election, will show footage obtained from the Detroit absentee ballot drop boxes that Gateway Pundit obtained through a FOIA request. The Michigan Conservatives 4 Election Integrity (MC4EI) group has been painstakingly pouring through an enormous amount of footage from 17 of the satellite voting centers in Detroit. They have uncovered multiple incidents of individuals depositing stacks of ballots into drop boxes. In the state of Michigan, an individual is only allowed to drop their own absentee ballot into the drop box and/or the ballots of an immediate family member. Either these individuals have extremely large families, or something is going on that needs to be investigated by the authorities.
Heather Cerone knows first-hand how dirty the Left can be; she used to be one of them years ago. Her conservative mother, who is now deceased, had a significant influence on Heather and helped her become the outspoken conservative she is today. Heather, who refers to herself as a “Mama bear,” is running for Michigan House of Representatives in the 103rd District because she, like many parents, is concerned about her daughter’s future.
“Mama bear” Heather Cerone and her teenage daughter
The lockdowns influenced Heather’s decision to run for office. “I had enough of Michiganders’ lives and livelihoods being destroyed by draconian lockdowns that destroyed family businesses, isolated elderly loved ones from their families all while dying because Governor Whitmer was housing COVID patients in their care facilities.”
“I’m running because I have seen enough of the increased taxes and regulations that are hurting families and businesses. I’m running to address where the millions of COVID relief dollars went, to address further the unemployment funds lost to fraud while innocent Michiganders are being required to pay back their legitimate unemployment earnings and not only to address the fixing of the damn roads but as importantly further revealing the fraud that took place in our 2020 election,” Cerone says.
“In November 2020, after the election that was not honest, free, fair, and transparent, when Michigan’s draconian Governor locked down the restaurants for the 2nd time, I organized a meeting between business owners and citizens to join in supporting one another. With over 400 people coming to the meetings – I founded Citizens Liberating Michigan. I led people to learn about the U.S. and Michigan Constitutions, to take action in our communities, or transparent and Michigan’s draconian Governor locked down the restaurants for the 2nd time, I organized a meeting between business owners and citizens with the purpose of joining together in support of one another. We had over 400 people attending the meetings, and that is when I founded Citizens Liberating Michigan (CLM). Through the founding of CLM, I have led others to learn about the U. S. and Michigan Constitutions and to take action in our communities.”
“For the last year, I led a group of concerned citizens to attend our local school board meetings to fight the Critical Race Theory and the abusive masking of our children in our schools. I believe our children should be taught classical education with the true history and founding of our great country.”