We at The Gateway Pundit were one of the first news sources to actively report on the inhumane conditions and unconstitutional treatment of the January 6th Political Prisoners. We will continue to tell our fellow American’s stories until all are released and their due process rights are restored. The Biden Regime has silenced them, but we are committed to our role as journalists and watchdogs of the Government. Our obligation is to YOU- the People of The United States, not the Government.
Thanks to our world class investigative team, inside sources and our relentless pursuit of the truth, we have been able to develop real relationships with prisoners from inside the walls of DC Gitmo. We are able to consistently obtain authentic letters and share them with the world. From the lonely solitude of their cells, these men and women pour their heart and soul into the letters we then release on their behalf. These prisoners are desperate to know that their words reach readers like you and find incredible solace in knowing you care. We are honored to be able to give these Americans back at least part of the voice the Biden Regime has stripped away. We thank you for caring about your fellow citizens suffering right now. By sharing their stories you help us in our job of making sure this flagrant political persecution and denial of constitutional protection never becomes the norm for the future of The United States.
We recently received this message directly from J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang from solitary confinement. Jake has been credited for saving another man’s life on January 6th who says he was being crushed to death because police were pushing Trump Supporters on top of him and tear gassing them. This has been substantiated by video, yet The Department of Justice has offered Lang a ridiculous plea deal of nine years and kept him in DC Gitmo for almost a year now.
Here is Jake Lang’s full statement:
Jake Land before his imprisonment in DC Gitmo.
“Hello my fellow patriots, it’s Jake Lang – the time has come to draw a line in the sand, to say enough is enough. I am currently in the basement of the DC Jail, the ‘hole’, where my phone account and tablet has been cut off, leaving me with absolutely no access to my family or my attorney, as well has no visitations because of COVID. Completely silenced and cutoff to the outside world before being found guilty of any crime. The alleged crime? Standing up with 1 million+ other unarmed American patriots against tyranny; defending women and the elderly, my life, my country, my Constitution and even saving a life on January 6th! I can no longer in good conscious, with my faith in the Most High God, identify or have any part with the defacto Federal Government, and their corrupt Departments of Justice and Corrections. Monday, (1/31/22) I am entering an prolonged hunger strike of 23+ days until my next court date on Wednesday, February 23rd, where there will be a large peaceful protest and press conference by my lawyer Steven Metcalf outside DC Federal District Court House at 2:30pm followed by a press conference at 3:45pm. Media and patriots will be present in strong numbers. I will not eat until these demands are met:
1. A thorough Bipartisan Congressional investigation into the Jan 6th Capitol Police brutality and murders of Ashli Babbit and Roseanne Boyland.
2.The immediate release of ALL January 6th detainees with no prior violent criminal history.
3. Equal Treatment Under the Law/ similar lenient wrist slap sentences as 2020 BLM and ANTIFA rioters.
4. Constitutionally protected right of redress of January 6th 2021 grievances, the obvious and overwhelming Will of The People being heard and obeyed: to send back the 2020 Presidential Election vote counting to the State legislatures for a recount.
I will try to release statements daily, whenever I can get a friend to help me – including updates on my health, lists of the egregious human rights violations I have suffered at the hands of the DC Jail; and details of the gross indifference shown by the DOJ to these human rights violations, and the OBVIOUS selective, politically motivated, prosecution and illegal prolonged solitary confinement / detainment. There will be updates and more information about the February 23rd protest on J6Truth.org as well as our new documentary launching in the first week of February. I would be eternally grateful for your prayers and support on getting this hunger strike with its list of demands and my daily updates as much media attention as possible – culminating on the February 23rd court date and peaceful protest. On February 23rd, in court, my lawyer Steve Metcalf and I will be submitting some groundbreaking documents and Declarations that will most certainly shift the momentum and the perspective of all January 6th court cases. Please show up, and continue to be part of this next level patriotic movement!! I need your help!! Americans need your help!! 750 January 6ers need your help!! United We Stand under God. Please spread our graphics and write posts/ articles and dedicate a few segments to this hunger strike and February 23rd peaceful protest for ALL January 6ers! God bless you and thank you. #J6TRUTH –> J6Truth.org
Please help Jake here.
Cara Castronuova
Cara Castronuova is a co-Founder of C.A.P.P. (Citizens Against Political Persecution and The People’s January 6th Commission. She is an Activist, Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Television Personality. You can watch her on Newsmax at 10PM EST every Saturday night on “Wiseguys”. You can follow her on & Twitter or Instagram @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for defamation of character. You can contact her via the C.A.P.P. website at www.CitizensAPP.us or www.caracastronuova.com if you have any tips or would like to volunteer.